rescued ii

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🕵️ Shadow Hunter 🕵️
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  "Here dollie dollie,c'mmon are u scared?" Gerald asked in a mocking tone as he pointed the knife at her.......she moved away from him slowly and scared to death....
   "Help!" She screamed as she found her voice....." Oh shut up!" He snapped,then kicked her...." Please I'm so sorry, let me go please.." she muttered as tears streamed down her pretty face...
  "Not until I crest my name on ya"..he smirked devilishly.....She breathe heavily, looking from side to side as she thought of what to do...Just as he tried pulling her left leg towards him, she grabbed one of her heels and threw it at him,then sprang up... rushing to the door,.."get her!" Gerald growled...,his partners dashed after her.....
When she got to the door, it was locked as she tried the handle.."f*ck!" She cussed and turned, just in time to duck from the guys after her,...kicking one of them in the balls, she diverted to the window...."Arrgh!" he cried out in pains, holding his balls....
"She's escaping!" Gerald yelled dashing to the window...too late! She had jumed down, "get the keys...get the the door!" of his partners yelled out in a haste.."Fools!" Gerald hissed..."she musn't escape...holy shit! I won't spare her..." He took after her, jumping out of the window, while his companions struggled with the door...

  Running into the streets,Lisa was glad the street lights were on as she limped away quickly, turning back, she noticed Gerald running as fast as he could and drawing closer to her..She stopped limping and took off quickly enduring the pains in her leg...

     Not hearing running feets behind her anymore,she turned to see if he had lost her...she noticed she couldn't hear any movements....heaving a sigh of relief, she returned her gaze back to where she was headed...just then, she bumped into someone and they crashed to the ground together....

"Ughhh" He groaned as his back hit the ground...." Oops! I'm so sorry..pardon my clumsiness i'm so so sorry," she apologized, getting off him and helping him off the ground.."sorry!" She muttered again...
"I'm problem"..he said...She looked back again, checking for any movements, but could see none...she felt relieved....

"Oh boy! now this is the real problem", he said, staring down at the already squashed pizza on the ground.....
  "Oh my God! I'm sorry", she murmured..."it's ok, it's fine", he said as he bent down to pick his damaged package...

"There she is, get the bitch!", A voice emerged from the dark as he pointed towards Lisa....she gasped and tried to run off, just then she hit her leg against a heavy junk of metal...

"Ahhhhh" she cried out, falling down..
" You think you can get away from us?" Gerald sneered. "You can't escape now..."

    Steven who watched the scene, stood in between Gerald and Lisa, "hey, hey, hey, what's going on?" He asked.....
" Who the hell are you?" Gerald snapped..."A human", Steve replied...
"Well it's none of your business okay? Stay out of it...she belongs to us".. Gerald said, while Steve turned to look at Lisa who was writhing in pains..."no- no, they're trying to kill me - - - please help me don't listen to him...please..." She said in between sobs....."Bitch!" Gerald cussed as he dashed towards her but was stopped abruptly as Steven threw his left hand forward, placing it on his chest....

" Now, you get your hands off me!" He snarled...." gotta calm down or ya gonna get hurt.." Steve said pointing a warning finger at his face..."You mother fuck....." Gerald was interrupted by a smack down when he tried to grab Steve's finger...His partners rushed to the scene...

  Grabbing Gerald by his neck, Steve signalled to his partners to get a hold of him, then pushed him towards them...while they struggled to catch him.. unfortunately they all crashed to the ground.....
"I'm so gonna kill you! You son of a bitch!" Gerald yelled, getting up quickly and running towards Steve who dodged the punch that came his way, he grabbed Gerald's hand, twisted it and punched his face....

  Gerald's partners growled... dashing towards Steve angrily, who grabbed one by the neck, raised him off the ground and sent him crashing to the floor, on his back..he cried out....

Gripping the second, he punched his face severally and kicked him off...he also sprawled to the ground....

  "Who the hell are you?" Gerald asked as he spat out his upper incisors, tasting his blood and cleaning his mouth..." Son of a bitch ", Steve replied... "Just as you said earlier.."

"You!!! I'll get back at you isn't over yet", Gerald growled.. staggering away..His companions lagged behind as one helped the other with a broken back bone.....

  "Are you alright?" Steve asked, squatting beside Lisa. "No... I think I had a dislocation," she said as hot tears flowed down her cheeks.
"You need to go to the hospital, c'mon get on my back", he offered, helping her to her feet as he carried her on his back all the way to the hospital which was about two streets from there...

  Arriving at the hospital, her eyes were closed in a deep sleep while she was carried off in a stretcher.. Steve called the doctor who turned to face him.."Bill's on me", he said.


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