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      Steve carried Lisa in his arms, scurrying through the dark as he found his way to Miss Hart's doorstep...he kicked the door, continuously... until Miss Hart rushed to the door, flinging it open..."Jesus! Mary! Joseph!", She screamed out, covering her mouth..."wh...wh..what.. happened?", She spluttered, gasping out to Steve..."There's no time to explain, she's dying,please help me", He said, also soaked in Lisa's blood..."come in quickly, before anyone sees you", she beckoned to him as he got into the house..."follow me quick!", She gasped... dashing to a room as Steve followed.
   "Oh my gawd! What should I do? I'm just a Vet ..I..I.. treat animals,I..I..I don't treat humans...I..I.. don't know what to do", Miss Hart trembled as she held her forehead, pondering..."You could've gone to the hospital..", she squeaked and scattered her hair..."and hand myself over as the Shadow Hunter right?" He muttered..."oh! Sorry, I didn't think that through...buh..but what can we do.. she's dying!!" She cried out in horror...."you got a car?", He asked..."yes!", She replied..."yeah! I'll take her to the hospital myself", she said...
"Ok... that's fine", he said.."but we have to stop the bleeding, I'll be right back...just place her on the bed, I'll get a first- aid ", Miss Hart said, dashing out of the room....
  * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
     LEE'S hospital,
Few hours later....
       "Very lucky of you to have brought her in, on time.... she's undergoing surgery at the moment in the Theatre room, fortunate also, the stab didn't affect any of her organs and we're pretty sure she's gonna make it", Doctor Lee Ann, a middle aged south- Korean woman said as she patted Miss Hart's shoulder...
  "Oh thank goodness... thanks doc", Miss Hart beamed, as she dried up the tears welling up in her eyes and gave out a smile.."very well doc.Hart, she's a strong Lady", Doctor Lee smiled and walked away....
"Oh please... she's gonna make it...yes she is...I pray", Miss Hart puffed out, pacing to and fro and shaking her head.....


    "The agent's little bitch seems to be brave though", Morgan spat out, as he held his forehead, writhing in pain..."I didn't know she was so fond of him...she took out five of my men at a spot...I bet they're still unconscious till now", he blurted as the red hooded lady,stared at him clicking her tongue, she filed her nails and re-applied a red lipstick on her lip..."she isn't fond of him", she spat out and joined her lips together, then pouted..."I heard he's saved her countless times yunno and maybe she's trying to pay back", she blurted and continued filing her nails.."aren't you concerned? He asked, still holding his head.."were u hurt? She asked in return, sparing him a glance  ..."affirmative", he replied.."oops!", She covered her mouth with her hands..."that's what you get for being a loser..", she snapped, walking out on him..."pardon?", He asked, puzzled as she didn't even blink an eye on him..
  "You Know...the bitch got stabbed by her lover boi", he spat out, smiling...she stopped abruptly and turned to look at him..."excusez moi?", She asked in a confused manner.."Well... Cinderella got stabbed while trying to rescue her prince charming", he burbled..."she was stabbed? You mean by the Hunter? How's that possible?", She asked again..."I made it possible", he smirked.."she took my place",
  The hooded lady stared at him horrified..."hmmph", she snorted and left him.."I don't seem to understand you lover girl, but if you're playing pranks on me you'll have it the hard way", he thought to himself and smirked....

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Lots of love❤❤❤

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