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     Just as they headed to the agent's garage, they were attacked by hoodlums...three of them held Amy, while the other three, held the agent, firmly...."hey! Let go...don't touch me!", Amy snapped, trying to wriggle free....The agent was injected and he dozed off...."heyy!! What did you do to him?", she growled at them..."calm down princess, its the same thing we're going to do to you", one of them said, as he headed towards her with the syringe...
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     Melisa strode out of the hospital in the company of Doc Hart and Zoe...."let me give you a ride home...", Miss Hart offered, holding Lisa's arm...
    "No thanks...I really appreciate your Care but I'm not going home now, I have to meet Steve and worst I can't find him", Lisa sighed, holding her head..."I have a stupid head ache", "you should've stayed back at the hospital for a full recovery", Zoe said..."but am's just a slight headache", Lisa blurted, "I'll be relieved sooner or later",...."I hope so", Zoe said and faced Miss Hart...."you've done a lot for us, don't worry,I'll take can go home and rest..besides you have work to do...some people might need your help, treating their pets back at home", she smiled...
   "Alright..i'll get going, you guys take care", she bid them and headed for her car...."bye", Lisa waved.
   A van pulled along and stopped right in front of Zoe and Lisa...
Trembling, Zoe stared pop-eyed as the door slid open and they were hijacked...she shrieked out...
    Miss Hart turned back on hearing her scream and gasped..."Zoe!!", she called out alarmed...the van zoomed off..."what in the world?!", she thought aloud, then dialed a went through and she got an answer..."hey Steve...there's a problem....Lisa and her friend have been abducted...I..I..didn't expect it to happen..and I have no idea where they're headed...please...", the call was terminated as it interrupted her, she sighed deeply and thought of what to do next..."oh God what kind of mess have I fallen into?"she thought....soon, she dialed an emergency number...
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    "Um hello?" Zoe called out as she found herself in a deserted room, where she was tied to a chair...Lisa sat opposite her tied also to a chair, with a table in front of her..."hellooo?" She called out again, but her voice echoed, she wiggled..."somebody get us outta here!" She shrieked..."sorry, nobody's coming", a voice echoed back to her as she and Lisa heard footsteps approaching them.
"Helooo ladies", the red hooded lady greeted, folding her arms..."seriously?, I didn't think twice...but I swear if I lay my hands on you...I'll strangle you to death",Lisa growled. "Really? Aww, you're hurting my feelings", The red lady, whined.
   "You bitch!, why are you always hooded? Why doncha show ya ugly face?",Lisa snapped.."well maybe I could come in the next world as you..pretty girl", The hooded lady said and walked up to Zoe..."so we have a new prey", she stroke Zoe's hair..."don't you dare touch her you block-head", Lisa yelled. "Alright...don't chew me up, I won't touch your bestie...or isn't she your bezzie pal?" The lady asked..."f**k you!" Lisa snarled, "yeah...f**k you too", the lady said, walking away as she made way for Morgan...."you little brat!"He growled as he grabbed Lisa's hair...."that goddamned boyfriend of yours tricked me,"
" let go of my hair", she cried out.."but they aren't dating", The lady chipped in...."I wasn't talking to you...", he snapped at her....."gracious lord!....don't lose your temper please...sheesh!" She sneered folding her arms..."leave her alone, and who the hell are you?", Zoe gnarled..."well, well, well, I didnt notice a novice was around", he withdrew his grip on Lisa's hair and diverted his attention to Zoe..."you really wanna know who I am?...maybe you could ask your dear friend for a tutorial", he snorted...
   Bryan shaw came in also...."good day fellas", he greeted, smiling.."hold your pleasantry....", Morgan snapped as he held the SAFE up to him.."these are fake!", he snarled, tossing the gems aside which broke into pieces..."would you look at that? Normally the gems would have cracked the floor",
"For real? Oh my gosh, I love that guy", Lisa bursted out in laughter..."he's so smart", she smirked,just as Morgan grabbed her neck,"how dare you?!", He gritted his teeth..she coughed loudly...."you jerk! are you just gonna kill her?", Zoe snarled.."it wouldn't remove a single hair from my body", he muttered. "You really aren't gonna kill her...are you?", The red lady asked..."nah....I still need her, but when I'm done, I'll rid her off the planet", He said and let go of her..."then what about you?", why don't you get rid of that hood, let our guests have a glimpse of your pretty face", he smirked.."he's right should remove that goddamned thing, it doesn't suits you", Lisa snapped...."well do you think it's the right time?",she asked Morgan....who was less concerned..."its the perfect time, milady", he smiled at her...."whatever you say then...", she mumbled and took her hood off as her hair fell across her shoulder and her lips glistened red...." my partner, my assistant, my adviser, my everything", he smirked just as Lisa gasped, staring at the lady...Zoe's heart fluttered..."what the....", Lisa gasped out, confused, staring at the lady to Morgan and then Morgan to the Lady...."we're so fucked!", she blurted....

         OMG who's the hooded lady? Let's find out😏..

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