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🕵️Shadow Hunter 🕵️
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The hall was buzzing with music; hip-hop, disco....and jazz.

This atmosphere is so much fun

   Lisa thought as she gazed at people, dancing, chatting and laughing away their time..

"Wow!, It's sure booming in here", she muttered....

"I told you, you'll like it" Amy said, smiling....

   "I so love this place....thanks for inviting us Amy",Zoe squealed as she shook her body to the rhythm of the song that was playing..

"Shake some booty!", A girl shrieked and everyone cheered....they were watching a girl, dancing on stage....

"Whoa!, She's really good", Lisa said as they found a spot to dine....

"I'll get some ice cream", Zoe said, almost leaving...

    "Are you serious?! Is this some beach, kiddies birthday or what?, We're in a freaking party and we must merge together...look around no one is eating ice cream", Amy said, mentally face palming herself.

"So what are you suggesting?", Lisa asked...

"You guys wait here..I'll get something nice", Amy winked as she walked up to the counter......

"What is she up to?", Zoe sighed as she rolled her eyes and shook her head.....just then, her countenance changed .

"OMG!", She gasped....

"What?, She's bringing wine?", Lisa asked...

   " it just me or .. isn't that guy so cute?", Zoe asked, smiling and drooling over the guy she stared at with dreamy eyes....

    Lisa turned to the direction, she  gazed lustfully and blinked her eyes..

"He's cute", she replied, then waved at Zoe ...

"Hellooo, are you still here?",.

"Huh?" Zoe asked coming back to her senses .

"You fancy him already?" Lisa asked...

", just a crush..yunno, I mean...who wouldn't crush?" Zoe spluttered.

The hottie looked at their direction while they weren't looking and smiled...

  "girls!", He murmured and shook his head.

"I love Tony, I wouldn't fancy another guy", Zoe said with a smile..Lisa giggled and hit her playfully.

"Hey guys!" Amy walked up to them with three bottles and three glass cups..

"What've you got?", Zoe asked...

"It's called Vodka", Amy replied, pouring out the drink in the glass cups.."enjoy..", she smiled...

"Huh?, are you serious? this is alcohol!", Lisa snapped..

"Duh...yeah..I gotta try it, you're not gonna keep on taking juice and ice cream like some sort of baby or.... C'mmon it's really good". Amy said..

  "I dunno...buh I'll try it", Zoe murmured.. picking up a glass cup and placing it on her lips, she sipped...."Mmmmh, you should try it..not bad..", she told Lisa with a thumbs up.

"I knew you'd love it" Amy smiled..

  "Alright, just one glass so I won't get tipsy",Lisa mumbled as she tasted it also......cringing at the taste.

  "See that guy over there?", Zoe pointed to the direction of the guy she was crushing on..

   "He's hot!" Amy gasped out, placing the glass cup on her lips......he turned to their direction again, Zoe waved at him while Amy bit her lips and winked at him, he raised his wine glass at her...she blushed and did the same...

"Looks like he likes you", Zoe whispered to her, "go meet him".

"I'm not going anywhere...if he likes me, he'll come over buh if he expects me to do so, he'll wait till eternity" Amy said full with pride and flicking the strands of hair blocking her view and pinning it to the back of her ear..

   All these while, they didn't notice, Lisa finish her bottle of Vodka...she was getting tipsy.

"Hey guys, how 'bout another bottle?", She asked, groggily..

"What the....", Zoe gasped.

"Are you serious?" "That's my girl!" Amy smiled pouring hers for Lisa..

"Drink all you want.. I got the bills", she winked...

"I'm going to dance, you comin'?", Amy asked...."Go..on am fine!", Lisa gave her a wave of dismissal.

"I'll dance", Zoe said, jerking up...they left Lisa who continued, gulping down her drink and getting wasted.

Four guys watched her from their table, monitoring her moves...soon she tried getting off her seat..but ended up, falling back to the chair...

"I-l- -loveee- - t-his parrrty", she drawled.

Grabbing her cup, she got on top her table.. kicking the bottles aside, they fell and broke which attracted a few people who weren't dancing...

"You got the charisma baby!", She screamed as she swayed her body, dancing on the table...few people shrieked with laughter..."the drink's working on her", some one giggled..

"My lucky day", one of the guys, monitoring her, said, licking his lips as he walked up to her table....She placed her glass cup on her lips, took a sip, ran her fingers through her hair and bit her lips...she began unbottoning her jacket....

"You must be tired, can I drive you home?"He asked, helping her down the table...

"Buh the party is- - n't o-v-e-r..HICCUP. she spluttered as he carried her in his arms and winked at his friends...they stood up and followed him out...

"Aren't you tired already?", Zoe asked Amy who was busy dancing, "shake some booty...this song's making me go nuts".Amy replied...

Suddenly,  Zoe tapped her and whispered.."the hottie is coming over".

"See I told you he'll come himself, i'm pretty sure he couldn't resist my body",Amy said, winking at her...
"You sure look sexy this night", Zoe said, smiling...

"Hi!", Amy smiled as he approached them, just then, he walked past them, heading out of the party...."oopsii" Zoe squealed, covering her she gazed at Amy....

"I hate him", Amy grumbled....


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