Tragic ending

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   "That's why I always have the second thought of working alone....I presume the dying soul of that funky man sent you here....", Morgan said, swiveling his chair around when he felt the presence of another person in the room....Agent Ed was all tied up, beside him...

"Let the agent go", Steve scowled at him

"Why should I?", Morgan asked, getting off his seat...

"I don't repeat words, so have it my way", Steve said and threw a tear gas at Morgan who dove aside and shut his eyes....the gas filled the room as Steve struggled to release the agent.

"Get away from him!", Morgan snarled, groping through the gas with his eyes shut, looking for Steve...he took out a gun and fired blindly.

   Steve ducked, and the agent went crashing to the floor with the chair....Morgan fired at the floor, wiping his eyes...."you son of a bitch!" He cussed.

  Steve wiped the tears, streaming down his cheeks as the gas stung his eyes...he fumbled with the ropes then untied the knot successfully...

"Get away now!", he shrieked at the agent who rubbed his eyes...

"Thank you S"....

"No time for appreciation boss...just leave!". Steve yelled as Morgan fired again, this time, hitting Steve in his arm....

"Arrgh!", he groaned...

"let's go...he'll kill you", Agent Ed murmured....

"Go! I can handle him myself....this is my fight!", Steve puffed out, holding his injured arm..."I'll be fine", he muttered...Agent Ed dashed out, running to get help....

        Struggling to his feet, Steve staggered to the door and ran out, crashing to the ground as he tried opening his eyes wide for the breeze to cool it off.   There was a flash of lightning and then thunder rumbled in the began to drizzle.

"You see....victory is mine kid...", Morgan snickered, staggering out also as he rubbed his eyes.

   Steve held his arm, biting his lower lip in pain, he tried getting on his feet...

"I really underestimated you..but now, I won't think twice about killing you!", Steve growled...

"Are we gonna keep talking all night or are we gonna fight?", Morgan scoffed then fired at him, he avoided the bullets, diving aside and falling back to the ground, he shot at Morgan also but missed.

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    "I can't believe Amy would betray us", Zoe mused as she steered along the road, the rain splashed at the windows of the car, aggressively.

"Where's Steve?", Lisa asked ignoring what Zoe had said..."it's already dark and looks like there's going to be a rain storm", she mumbled...

"He'll be fine....I guess he went after Morgan", Zoe said..

"He went after Morgan? that TIGER!? oh! he won't be fine", Lisa whined...

"Don't worry ok? He'll defeat Morgan I bet!", Zoe said.."He's the Hunter".

"Where are we going?", Lisa asked, uneasy...

"My house...we'll be safe there", Zoe replied....

"Stop the car!", Lisa snapped all of a sudden...

"Are you alright?"Zoe questioned...

"I said stop the car!", Lisa yelled....

The car screeched to a stop as Zoe glanced at her, confused...."what's wrong?"...

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