Government agents😝

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      Banging the door shut, she walked briskly out of the building which she later discovered was 'DE MONTES HOTEL', the cab driver was just waiting right in front of her...

  "Here", he said, handing over a pair of dark sunglasses and a coat, she furrowed her eyebrows.

"I'm sorry... I'm like so hot and you're giving me a coat?", She asked..

"Still orders from the young man...he said it's for your safety"..

She gritted her teeth, as she grabbed the coat, put it on and wore the glasses...

   "Let's leave!", She growled impatiently..

"Where are you headed?", He asked as she thought for a while and muttered.

"10, downing street". They got into the car and it zoomed off.....

  Arriving at downing street, Lisa got out of the car and pulled off the coat...

"Here, I'm fine now...that stuff's so itchy", she said tossing it at his face, then handed the glasses over to him.

"Thanks...and also my regards to the so called 'young man', you keep talking about". she pouted, making air quotes, then left.

Walking down the street in a hurry...soon she arrived at Nó 10...she pressed the doorbell and the door was flung open as Zoe stuck her head out.

"Lisa?!", She gasped, surprised..."come in", she made way for Lisa to go in.

"I'm so tired and confused!", Lisa sighed, as she fell wearily to the cushion..

"Where have you been?", Zoe asked, pouring her a glass of juice..."I don't seem to understand either", Lisa replied as she sipped the juice.."thanks".

  "Scuse you?", Zoe asked."I mean when we got back to our seats we couldn't find you anymore..we were both surprised and confused", She said..

"All I know is that I became drunk yesternight and this morning I found myself at 'DE MONTES HOTEL'", Lisa replied...

"Hotel?!, with who?", Zoe gasped.....

"Remember the hottie at the party..the one you had a crush on?", Lisa asked, as Zoe stared amazed...

"Omigosh he slept with you!", She gasped...

"Nah....he claims he rescued me from some perverts and.... that's all..", Lisa said..

"Seriously?, Like he didn't touch you or....",

"He didn't..I mean nothing happened between us and I believe him", Lisa interrupted her..

"Well your dad has been calling since....", Zoe said, handing over Lisa's phone...

"OMG! I searched everywhere and I couldn't find it...thank you so much Zoe", she beamed, collecting her phone...

"I picked the call and told him you're at my place and I received it coz you're still in bed", Zoe said...

"What will I ever do without you.... you're the best...thanks a lot...buh I still need an explanation why I snuck out of the house while I was grounded", Lisa grumbled and stood up..."I need to go, I don't care what he'll do to me....say hello to mom ,dad and Nancy when they're back"..

"Actually, Nancy's in her crib and I'm babysitting her...sorry I won't have to walk you...I'll call Amy and tell her you're alright, she was so worried", Zoe said..

"Alright then, I'll see you around.. bye!", Lisa muttered, walking out of the house and into the street

"Bye!", Zoe waved and closed the door.....

  Her house wasn't really far from Zoe's, so  she decided to walk home, walking briskly..

Arriving at the end of the street, she had to make a U- turn to the other street which was hers but then....

Two men in Black suit and dark sunglasses, stopped her...

  "Um.. is there any problem?", She asked, startled.

"We need to discuss", one of them told her...

"Discuss about what?", She asked again as she felt a cold chill run down her spine...

"Last night", he started...

"Sorry?", She asked...

"The guy last night...the masked one, you know him right?", He asked...

"I don't understand what you're talking about", she replied, confused..

"Tell us everything you know about him", he said.. removing his glasses and staring right into her eyes.... Her savior's last warning words rang in her ears... 'You don't know me'. she thought of it for a while...

"Aren't you answering?!", He snapped her back to reality...

"I don't know what you're talking about", she murmured..."please excuse me".she was about leaving when one of them grabbed her arm and pulled her back...

"You were at the party last night and you were with him...tell us everything about him now!", He snapped..

"Don't you get it?! I don't know what you're talking about, I was at the party last night with my girlfriends, I didn't go out with a guy" she retorted, pulling her arm from his grip..."look i'm gonna call the cops if you guys keep harassing me", she threatened..

"We're government agents", they said in unison, bringing out their identity cards....

"Really? Government agents?", She asked, they nodded...She didn't know what else to do...

"Okay then...", She stuffed her hand into her jean pocket.

"What's she doing now?", One of them asked as they tried to stop her...
        Too     late!
She pressed the transmitter and it beeped.......They stared at her confused...

"Who did you send a homing signal to?".

  " Was it supposed to do that?", She asked, puzzled...

"Give me that!", He snatched the transmitter and grabbed her arm... you're coming with us...

"Hey! Let go!", she yelled, wriggling.

   Suddenly someone fired at them...he let go of her and brought out his own pistol, firing at the direction where the gunshot came from....

Lisa crouched down, covering her ears...'i'm dead!", She gasped out, trembling...soon she heard a cry of pain as the so called 'government agents' fell noisily close to her...she glanced at them and screamed, they were in a pool of blood...

She felt a hand grasp hers and pull her up...

"What did did you...why are they...oh my God!!", She spluttered...

"No time for burbles.. they're firing at us", he said, pulling her as he ran towards a car.  "Get in". he ordered and turned, firing viciously at the attackers blew up.., she gasped and covered her mouth.

  "Please stop killing people..please", she trembled..




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