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~ addison pov

"Mom, I have to be at my meeting soon, can you please grab him?" I asked, passing my son to my mother. Yup.. you read that right, my son. I had a little boy who was turning two in the next month. His name was Jacob, he was my entire life. I had him my senior year of high school but I was raising him all on my own with the help of my family because his father decided to walk out on us, it was clear that he didn't want to be in his life.

I had now been in L.A. for about two months, and it wasn't that I was ashamed of Jacob, I just wanted to protect him, I wanted to protect him for as long as I could.  I didn't want to raise him in the spotlight of Hollywood. When I blew up on tiktok, nobody knew that I had a son.. and I didn't know how to announce it, so I just never did. My parents were beyond supportive, always making sure Jacob was taken care of when I had to make my trips.

We decided it was easier for us to all move to Los Angeles so I wouldn't have to make constant trips. L.A. was nice, but it was a different world from Louisiana. I had to be careful here with taking Jacob out. Paparazzi seemed to always find me.

My closest friends knew about him, mostly Hype House members such as Thomas, Dixie and Charli. They had even met Jacob a couple of times when they had visited me at my house but I hadn't taken him to the Hype House yet.. I didn't want to overwhelm him.

I had been really busy lately with meetings and photo shoots that Thomas would plan for all of us. Any time I had free time, I would spend that time with Jacob.. but today was one of those days that I would have to be out all day for work.

As I grabbed all of my stuff, I walked over to Jacob and kissed him. "I'll see you later my baby boy." I said as I thanked my mom for staying with him today. "I promise I will be here all day tomorrow." I said. I always felt bad having to leave him with my mom, he was my responsibility and she shouldn't have to be the one to stay with him.. but my mom was amazing. She was so understanding and supportive, always making herself available when I needed it and I was beyond appreciative.

As I said my goodbyes, I ran out of the door. I was meeting up with everyone from the Hype House as we were all heading to an event planned to meet our fans. I rode with Thomas, Dixie, Charli and Tony as Thomas drove us to the venue. I sat in the back with the girls, showing them pictures of Jacob as they always asked for them. They were completely obsessed with him, almost as obsessed with him as I was. They loved visiting him but hadn't been able to do so lately due to their busy schedules.

The girls also traveled back and forth as they lived in Connecticut. Dixie couldn't stop talking about how she was going to see Griff today, a boy that she had just recently started speaking to. He was a part of Sway, a group of boys who recently created a content house. I had met a couple of them separately, but never together. They were a good time and fun people to be around.

As we arrived, we greeted the other Tiktok creators that were also there. Dixie immediately ran up to the Sway boys, pulling me with her. I said hi to each of them, giving them all hugs. I knew Jaden the most, starting conversation with him before Bryce interrupted us, wanting to join in on our talk.

Oh the infamous Bryce Hall. I had met him a couple of times in the past, but we had never hung out just us two. Bryce was beyond flirtatious. I wasn't sure if he was just like that with me or any girl he spoke to, but Bryce was so cute. I was beyond attracted to Bryce, but I never let myself get close to any boys. I had a son, I didn't have time for boys. And even if I did, being a mother was seen as baggage for a lot of guys, especially at our age.

As Bryce spoke, I felt myself get lost in him but I had to snap myself out of that very quick. I was broken out of my daze by Bryce who put his arm around me. "What are we doing after this, huh Addi?" He asked me, winking.

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