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~ bryce pov

"You two need to stop crying in here.. it's only a week Addison, we'll take good care of him for you." Josh teased as he passed my room. We were leaving tomorrow morning so Addison had decided to stay the night since I would be away for a week. It was only a week, and we'd be fine, but we had grown attached to each other after spending so much time together, I'd really miss her. But this was a boys trip we all needed, none of our girls were invited, we just wanted to enjoy one another and go back to doing dumb shit like we used to.. before our girlfriends made us mature.

Addison shook her head at Josh, pushing him out of the room. She went back to laying on my bed as I packed for the week. We had spent the entire day with Jacob once again and had just put him to bed before coming to my house. Jacob had actually been good these days, Sheri being pleasantly surprised at how he hadn't been crying in the morning. I knew my little man was strong though, I was proud of him.

As I finished packing, we decided to go downstairs to look for some food. We were both starving and found Nessa thankfully cooking. "Are you cooking for everyone?" I asked her with a sweet smile, Nessa chuckling but nodding. "I'm making dinner for everyone before all of you boys leave us."

"Nessa is just trying to convince us not to go." Anthony said chuckling. She shook her head, "I'm chilling, Amelie is the one over there giving Blake a set of rules before he leaves." She said, making us all laugh, she wasn't wrong though. Amelie was the sweetheart of the group, it was as if she almost didn't belong, but Blake and her worked so well together. Opposites really did attract and Blake was such a simp for her.

"I just want you guys to be safe and not get into any trouble!!" Amelie said, frowning. Blake chuckled as he pulled her into his arms and kissed her. "We know baby, we won't!!" He said, promising her. Amelie came after our worst days, she missed all of the partying and foul things we did. We were new boys now and I think she wouldve absolutely hated the old us.

"Addison is really the only one chilling, not giving a fuck about Bryce going." Griffin said. I looked over at her, watching her smirk. "I have a child at home, I have bigger things to worry about." she said as everyone laughed. I acted surprised, as if what she said hurt me.. but I knew she meant that. She also trusted me and there was nothing I would do to break that trust. There was also no other girl who could pull away my attention from Addison, I was madly in love with this girl.

We all ate and hung out for a while before I pulled Addison upstairs with me to my room. She wanted to watch a movie and have some cuddles, saying she wanted to stay in my arms until I left. "I thought you were unbothered by me leaving." I said chuckling, only making her hug me tighter. "No, I'm going to miss my baby so much." she said as she buried her face in my neck. I smiled as I rubbed her back, knowing I would miss her as well. But it was healthy having some time to ourselves, we would still be fine when I came back.

"What is my beautiful girl going to be doing while I'm gone?" I asked as I rubbed her back. She shrugged before telling me she definitely wanted to get in some girl time since all of the boys would be gone. She also added she would take this time to spend it with Jacob, since it would only be them two like old times. "I also have to go visit my gynecologist this week, I want to just go check up on my birth control and make sure everything is working since we have been very sexually active lately." She said, slightly blushing. 

I smirked as I kissed her. "I sure hope everything is working, that could get really messy.." I said. We hadn't been too careful on our end, we were fully relying on that birth control. But it wasn't something that I was worried about, it was a device that was inserted into her.. those never fail. 

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