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~ addison pov

I sat at the Sway house awaiting for Bryce as the boys were finalizing filming a youtube video. I sat with Mads who I had met a couple of times before due to Jaden. She was a complete sweetheart and I actually really liked her.

I had spent the entire morning with Dixie who was doing much better. I asked her to take care of Jacob for me while I came to visit the boys for a bit. Bryce would be leaving with me to come over and finally meet Jacob. But I asked him to visit because I wanted to be the first to tell the boys about Jacob since I was bringing him over on Saturday.

As the boys finally finished their video, I watched Bryce walk over to me with a huge grin on his face. "Hello beautiful.." he said, greeting me with a kiss. I smiled as I hugged him and stood up with him to follow all of the boys to the kitchen. They all stood around for a while debating what to order for dinner, finally settling on some sushi. Once they placed their order, I decided this was my time to speak to them about Jacob.

"So.. I have something that I want to share with you guys.." I said, my voice shaking. I felt Bryce hold onto my hand, intertwining our fingers and giving me courage to continue speaking, showing me that I had his support. I smiled at our hands before turning back to the boys.

"I don't know how to say this, so I'm just gonna say it.. I have a son." I blurted out. All of the boys had their own reactions, most of their eyes widening and jaws dropping. I felt Bryce hug me from behind and kiss my cheek as he told me he was very proud of me. "His name is Jacob and she's bringing him over on Saturday!" Bryce said with a cheesy smile on his face.

All of the boys offered supportive comments, Jaden coming over to hug me and thanking me for sharing this with us. Jaden was my closest friend out of all of them, but I had never even found the courage to tell him before. Sharing this now with all of them though felt like such a relief. It felt right..

"People obviously don't know about him.. so all I ask is that it stays between us. Besides that, I am very excited for you guys to meet him!" The boys of course had some questions which I gladly answered. We spoke about it for a while as they asked what was appropriate around him and what wasn't. I laughed as it was clear these boys didn't know how to act around children. We stayed for a while longer before Bryce reminded me that we needed to go pick up Jacob.

We said our goodbyes to everyone before heading out. Bryce drove us to Dixie's and parked in front of her home as I called her. "She said she'll be out in a bit." I told him. He nodded as he put his car in park.

I looked over at him as he shook his leg and was fumbling with his fingers. I put my hand on his leg to stop the movement and gave him a reassuring smile. I knew he was nervous, but he had no reason to be. Jacob was just a little boy, he liked anyone who made him laugh and gave him sweets. "He's gonna love you.." I whispered as I kissed him. He smiled at me and told me he truly hoped so. It was adorable how nervous he was because it showed me how much he cared. But I knew they would get along just fine.

I soon heard Dixie come out of her home with Jacob in her arms. Charli was behind her with the car seat they had borrowed in her hands. They both walked over to the car as they waved at Bryce. Charli handed me the car seat which I installed into Bryce's car before grabbing Jacob and safely putting him in it .

"Hi baby, did you have fun with your aunts?" I asked him, receiving a nod and grin. I smiled as I thanked them for watching him for the morning. They promised me I had nothing to thank them for as we exchanged hugs.

I opened the passenger car door as I peaked over at Bryce and smiled at him. "Baby, this is my friend Bryce, say hi!"

~ bryce pov

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