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** ok SMUT ALERT. I know you weren't expecting it but ;)) you're welcome hehe, we love a good surprise!

~ addison pov

Bryce woke me up when we arrived to his home. Today was the longest day of my life, after taking two flights and having to bail my boyfriend out of jail. I was exhausted and couldn't help but fall asleep on the ride back to Sway. As we arrived, we all got out of our ride, the boys bringing their bags and all just dropping them in the living room. They were all just as exhausted, going directly to their rooms.

As Bryce and I walked up to his room, we both took showers. After my shower, I walked out in just a sports bra and shorts. I walked over to Bryce who laid shirtless in his bed. He opened his arms for me to jump into which I did. As I laid on him, my thoughts felt like they were going out of control. I couldn't help but think about the cheating scandal, the arrest and the possible pregnancy. This was too much to handle, and it was something I couldn't deal with right now.

As I looked up at him, all I could think about was how much I loved him, and how grateful I was to have him back. I climbed on top of him as I straddled him and began to kiss him roughly. My hormones completely took over as my body was begging for Bryce. I caught him by surprise but it didn't take much for Bryce to reciprocate.

I felt his hands run down my body, Bryce immediately pulling off my shorts. I moaned into his mouth as I felt his hands grab my ass. "Gosh did I miss you." I heard him say before he threw me on my back and took over. He stripped me from my bra and underwear, leaving me naked. He licked his lips before kissing me and then proceeding to lick down my body - he moved slow, making sure to give each part of me the same amount of attention.

"I want you to tell me how much you missed me too." he said, winking at me as he moved his fingertips along my panty line, clearly just wanting to tease me. "What did you miss.." he asked sensually. I wanted to speak and I searched for words, but nothing came out. "Bryce.." was all I could say, practically begging for him to stop torturing me.

"Did you miss.. the feeling of my fingers inside of you?" he asked as he inserted one finger inside of me. I gasped as he did so, my eyes rolling back and my back arching. "Tell me.. did you miss me going painfully slow or going fast to help you reach your climax?" Bryce was enjoying this, he was enjoying this too much.. but he would get his karma.

"Bryce.." I had to control my breathing before being able to speak. At this point, he was still going slow, but his fingers were going deep inside of me. "..I want you to finger the shit out of me and then I want your tongue to finish the job." I said, Bryce grinning, he just wanted to hear it from me. "Anything for my baby." he said with content as he did what was asked of him.

He fingered me in a fast pace, making me go crazy. I grabbed onto the sheets on the bed as I felt myself about to climax. I moaned his name as he now moved his mouth towards my pussy. He had both of his hands on my thighs, keeping my legs down as he sucked on my clit and drank my juices. I felt like I was going to explode, but he welcomed that and begged for it. As I did, I could hear Bryce moan out of pleasure as well as he ate me up.

I wiped his mouth as he came up to me and left kisses on my neck. "Man did I miss that.. I almost forgot how good you tasted." he whispered in my ear. I blushed as I pushed him down, now wanting to pleasure him. "You shouldn't had tortured me that much Hall.." I whispered, winking at him. "Oh man.." he said, groaning, I giggled being glad that I was now in control.

I kissed him passionately as I pushed my body against his. I had stripped him of all of his clothes, our bare bodies now touching against one another. His now erect penis was pushing against me, but I didn't want to give him too much attention yet.

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