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~ addison pov

I woke up this morning with a call from my lawyer. It had been about three month since Keith had left and she was letting me know that his lawyers reached out to her about the possibility of Keith giving up parental rights. She let me know that he included in his statement that he would only do it if I wanted to. Of course there went Keith leaving me with all of the big decisions to make.

I sighed as it was too early in the morning for me to think about this. I told her I would have to think it through and give her a call back. The call would have to wait until tomorrow at least because today, Jacob and I were heading to the Sway House.

The boys were leaving for a trip to Texas this weekend, so we wanted to spend as much time with them as possible for the next three days. Bryce and I were great, we were going strong and had actually made eight months together a couple of weeks ago.. but it felt like I had been with this man for an eternity already and I still wanted him for many years to come.

He had stepped up in a huge way with Jacob, always being there for him and even taking him to the Sway House on random visits. Jacob had continued to call him 'Dad' and it was something that just felt normal now. He loved Bryce and truly saw him as a father. He also called all of our closest friends Aunts & Uncles, including Dixie, Mads and all of the boys.

We were in a great place right now but our next step would be moving in together. It was something we had spoken about in the past, but it was harder for him to take that step than for me. He loved his boys so much and he never thought he would think to leave Sway this early. I didn't want to pressure him, but the frat house wouldn't last forever, it had to come to an end some time.

As I got changed, I went downstairs to a crying Jacob. He was in my moms' arms as she tried to calm him down. It seemed as though Jacob was just throwing another one of his fits, which he had been doing too much of lately. "He just keeps crying for Bryce." She said as she handed him over to me. His new favorite thing to do was cry each morning that Bryce didn't stay over. He had gotten so used to being woken up by him that he missed it when it didn't happen.

"Jacob, we are going to daddy's house right now, please." I told him, trying to calm him down. His cries lessened as he asked me why Bryce hadn't woken him up this morning. I sighed, always having to have this conversation with him whenever Bryce was absent. I told him what I always did, repeating that Bryce had to be home. He had gotten so attached to him that I wondered if it was even healthy. I also wondered if Jacob had grown to be afraid of abandonment, and that was my greatest fear. He had every right to be afraid of being left when he grew up with no father. Now that he had one, I could only imagine how afraid he was to lose him.

"I think we're just gonna head over to Bryce's." I told my mother, as I carried Jacob and grabbed our bags for the day. She hugged us goodbye as we walked out and I set Jacob down in his car seat. As I drove over, I called Bryce, letting him know that Jacob had another breakdown this morning. I could hear him sigh over the phone, these episodes always made Bryce upset as well but I didn't want him to feel obligated to be at my house at all times because of it. It was something we definitely needed to figure out.

As we drove up to the Sway House, I saw Blake and Amelie sitting by the front just chatting. They waved at me as I got out of the car and walked up to us. "Hi baby!" I heard Amelie say as she smiled at Jacob and touched his nose playfully. He smiled as he waved at them, but rested his head on my shoulder. The energy only came out of this little one when he saw Bryce.

They walked with us inside as Blake carried our bags. Blake let me know that Bryce was in the kitchen which was my first spot. "Hi baby!" He said as he saw me and kissed me. He then proceeded to grab a now grinning Jacob who hugged him tightly. "Daddy!!!" He said, as he wrapped his arms around his neck. I smiled as I saw them interact, their bond always making my heart full.

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