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~ addison pov

"Addi.. I really think you should talk to him." I heard Nessa say. Mads had called all of the girls over because she was very worried about me. As of now, I was surround by Nessa and Amelie. Dixie and Avani had sent me messages to try and comfort me, but I didn't even want to go near my phone at the moment.

I laid in bed, blanking out as I wanted to push away the thoughts of Bryce cheating. It broke me too much if I thought about it.

In the background, I could hear the girls walking in and out of the room. They whispered to one another, but were so bad at it. I could hear them speak about the boys and how they were unable to get through to any of them. The boys were all together right now, on their way back home.. it was a bit weird that none of them were answering at the moment, but I told myself I didn't care and didn't ask questions.

I closed my eyes, telling myself to fall asleep. If I slept, I wouldn't feel the pain anymore. I wouldn't have to think about Bryce anymore. Yes Addison, just fall asleep, and I did.


"What do I do.. what can I do.. I can't do anything.." I woke up to hysterical cries coming from Mads. I opened my eyes slowly as I pulled myself into a seated position to see her crying in Nessa's arms.

"What's going on?" I asked, moving towards them. Mads continued to cry, burying her face in Nessa's shoulder. She rubbed her back as she tried to calm her down and continued to tell her "everything will be okay." Confusion filled my face, what had happened.. how long had I slept for.

"Addison, we should talk." I turned around to see Dixie reaching her hand out to me. When did Dixie get here.. was I living a dream? Nonetheless I took her hand and walked back towards the bed with her. She took a deep breath before speaking, it was clear she had to get something off her chest.

"The boys.. they were stopped in Texas. Jaden was arrested-" My eyes widened and mouth dropped as I looked back at Mads, my heart breaking for her. I began to ask a million and one questions, not even allowing Dixie to finish. Poor Mads, it all began to make sense, but what had Jaden done.. how did this happen. "That's not all Addison, Bryce was also arrested."



There was no way.

I stood up as I felt tears begin to fall down my face. I shook my head refusing to believe this. I didn't know what they were arrested for, but it couldn't be true. I turned around to pick up my phone, trying to call Bryce.. wanting to hear his voice and wanting him to tell me that this wasn't real, but it went straight to voicemail. I turned back around to see Dixie, I fell into her arms as I couldn't stop crying. It felt like my whole world was collapsing.

I hadn't even given him the chance to speak to me today, he wasn't even able to explain himself.. and now I probably wouldn't even be able to hear from him. I was so stupid and stubborn, he probably hated me now.

Dixie held me in her arms as she tried to comfort me, but I reached for Mads. She was the only one who could feel my pain right now. I held her in my arms, both of us just crying for a few minutes before being able to talk. She informed me that she was able to speak to Jaden, and I asked her to tell me everything.. I wanted to know what had happened, even if it hurt.

"They were stopped and when checked.. Bryce had marijuana on him as did Jaden, but apparently Jaden is also being charged with some other drugs he had on him." She said, barely able to speak without tearing up. She told me that he called her from jail, asking her to remain calm and trust that they would get out of this. "Bryce would want you to stay calm too.. it's just hard, I can't stop thinking about him." she said, trying to be strong but sadly failing. She loved him so much, she was worried about him.

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