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~ addison pov

I made myself comfortable on the boat as Bryce wrapped his arms around me. He had a tray of fruits set up with wine on the side. I let him pour me a cup of wine as we drank some before I took this opportunity to really be able to get to know him. It was just the two of us anyways, this was our moment.

I grabbed his hand and intertwined our fingers before kissing his hand and looking up at him. "Tell me about you.. tell me about your journey to LA!" I said intrigued. He had become a huge influencer out here but I knew that it didn't happen instantly for him. Bryce had worked hard for all of his achievements and I admired him for that. Everything he had done was finally paying off and I was so proud of him.

He looked at me and chuckled, telling me how long ago all of this had started for him. He started from his musically days, telling me that he had made an account as an escape from the terrible high school experience he had. He spoke highly of his mother, emphasizing that she was the only person he had growing up. "My mom.. she's been the only stable and consistent part of my life." he said in a whisper, showing me how painful that was for him. Although he loved her, I knew he felt a gap in his heart from his father not being in the picture.

"My father left us early on, after being verbally and physically abusive of course.." I heard his voice break and my heart break along with it. I frowned as I watched how vulnerable Bryce was in this moment. All I wanted to do was comfort him as I wrapped my arms around him, but I continued to let him speak.. he clearly needed this. "..he moved to be with his new and more

important family, choosing to raise my brothers over me." I saw pain in his eyes as he spoke of it. I couldn't imagine everything that Bryce had been through, my family had always been so stable. We were so close and I couldn't imagine growing up in any other way.

Bryce paused for a minute as he let me embrace him in my arms. "You don't have to continue.." I said whispering. I didn't want to make him uncomfortable by speaking of this.. but I did appreciate how honest he was being with me. He was sharing so much and it was nice to see him be open with me.

He shook his head, telling me the worse was over with. He proceeded to speak about how his mother and him were able to flourish without the help of his father or any other man. They did it all on their own. He graduated high school and made his mother proud before moving out to LA to pursue a career as an influencer. "It was tough for a while.. I was out here for a long time before things finally started going my way. Tayler.. he, um, he's really been a strength for me for a long time. He kept pushing me to keep striving for my dreams and I did, we both did.."

"And look at you now.." I said, interrupting him with a smile. I wanted him to think back to all he struggled through, but to mostly think of where it all got him. He paved the path to success and he was living out his dream. He looked at me with a smile as he nodded, saying that he wouldn't change anything for the world.. not even all of the pain he had to suffer through.

He proceeded to talk about how he recently decided to join Sway. "It honestly was the most exciting thing ever but also nerve wracking just because Tayler was my safety and sanity. I couldn't imagine myself living without him and I still miss him so much.. but the Sway boys have saved me in so many ways. I know the reputation that follows us, but they're all really great guys!" I nodded as I agreed. The Sway boys weren't exactly seen in the best light in LA. They were all viewed as problematic, rightfully so at times, but that didn't make them bad guys. They had good intentions and were great friends, Bryce was lucky to have them in his life.

"..and now we're at this new chapter of my life, where I get to take you out.." he whispered as he grinned and left a kiss on my cheek. ".. i truthfully hope this is the first date of many Addison, i like you a lot." he confessed, making me blush. He told me about his past relationships and how his last one was especially toxic. My heart broke for him knowing that many of these girls took advantage of him and he didn't deserve that. I wanted to be different for him, I wanted to make him happy and make this work because I truly believed in us.

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