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I woke up the next morning to Jacob jumping on my bed. I giggled as he had fallen on top of me. I kissed his forehead as he crawled up to me. I loved mornings like these. Last night had been a late night and Jacob was already asleep by the time I got home so today all I wanted to focus on was my little boy. "You want to go to the park today?" I asked him as he quickly nodded. He loved going to the park, especially with Lucas, they played so great together.

As I got up to get ready for my day, I picked up Jacob to bring him along with me. We brushed our teeth together in our bathroom before walking downstairs to the kitchen where my mother was already making breakfast. She was making pancakes, Jacob's favorite. I sat him on his chair as I cut a pancake into small pieces for him. I set the plate in front of him, giving him his morning milk with his breakfast.

I assured he was eating before grabbing my own food and sitting down with my mom. We made light conversation as she asked me how my day had gone yesterday. "It went great, I had a lot of fun, thank you for taking care of Jacob for me." I said, always appreciative. I showed her some pictures that Bryant had taken and had already sent me.

She saw the Sway boys, particularly Bryce in a couple and asked me who they were. "Dixie is talking to some boy so she invited him and he brought his friends." I said, not lying at all but not wanting to speak about the Sway boys or Bryce. My mother had always encouraged me to date again. She always reminded me that I was still young and deserved to still be able to live my life.. but my ex, Jacob's father, left me scarred. We had a terrible break-up and I was in an emotionally abusive relationship with him. After that, it was difficult for me to want to date anyone again.

Bryce was nice, he was very nice and very attractive. He was one of the few boys who was able to grab my attention in the way that he did. However, my past and my baby stopped me from wanting to explore that. My ex was once nice too and I feared that every boy would start off in that way to trap me in the way that he did.

As we finished off our breakfast, I picked up our plates and put them in the dishwasher. I cleaned Jacob's hands and face before picking him up in my arms. I invited my mom to the park with us so my brothers could come along as well. She assured me she would join before going to get ready. I took Jacob up to his room so we could get ready as well.

Once we were all dressed, we got in my car and headed to the park. It was a local park where we could hide from paparazzi and fans. I had a hat and glasses on just in case, not wanting my moment with Jacob to be interrupted. I took him to the playground as I watched him play and assisted him in climbing some things that were too big for him. He laughed along with my brothers, happiness showing. It made my heart warm to see him like this, I loved being able to spend time with my little boy.

As I left him with Enzo who promised to look over him, I sat down with my mother on the bench. She was currently on the phone with one of her friends which led me to take my own phone out. As I scrolled through my notifications, I noticed a message from an unknown number. I opened the text to reveal that it was Bryce who had finally decided to text me.

Hey, it's Bryce.. the guy who beat you in that bet last night, don't think I forgot you still owe me a date!

I blushed as I reread the message. Just as I was about to respond, I felt Jacob run up to me and try to climb on my legs. "Mommy! Help!!" He yelled as he was clearly trying to run away from Lucas who was chasing him. I laughed as I stood up and picked up Jacob, "saving" him from my brothers.

Lucas tried to jump on me as well to get to Jacob, but I protected my little boy. I was soon dragged into the game as well, forgetting about having to respond to Bryce.

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