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~ bryce pov

"Let's go check up on mommy!" I told Jacob, having exhausted all possible ways to keep him distracted. Addison had given me the task of keeping him busy and away from the backyard that was set up for his birthday party. It looked great and he was going to absolutely love it, but Addison wanted it to be a surprise. We had played games all morning and watched a movie, but he was now asking to go into the pool. Addison had been upstairs for the past hour now getting ready, so I figured this was our time to go pay her a visit.

Jacob jumped out of my arms and upstairs directly to her room. He cutely knocked before entering and we saw Addison all dressed up. Her hair fell into loose curls and her make-up was flawless. I smiled as I stared at her, admiring her beauty and how good she looked in the dress she had chosen for the occasion. "Hi baby!" she said, greeting Jacob as he jumped on her. He grinned as he began to tell her about the morning we shared, "it's been the best birthday ever mommy!!" he said with excitement.

Addison smiled as she looked over at me and thanked me. "Anything for my little man!" I said, ruffling his hair. He laughed, before he began asking us if we could go for a swim again. Addison shook her head as she stood up, carrying him in her arms. "We need to get you ready for your birthday party!" She said. Jacob's face was filled with excitement as he jumped in her arms.

She walked up to me and kissed me, letting me know she would be right back. I nodded as I let her know I would take this time to get ready myself. I watched her leave to Jacob's room as I showered and got changed in her own room. I had brought my outfit which was in her closet for the day. I never dressed up, but this was a special occasion. I put on dress pants and a long sleeve shirt with a nice belt and chain.

I sat on her bed, looking through my phone as the boys began to send messages in the group chat. They were all invited along with Dixie, Charli and Thomas. It was now 3 and the party began at 4, they were messaging one another to soon be on their way.

See you boys soon, let me know when you're here!

I sent the message and put my phone in my pocket as I stood up, ready to leave Addi's room. But as I was going to do just that, Addison entered. She smiled at me as she pushed me onto the bed and crawled on top of me. My eyes widened as I did not expect that, but I didn't mind it either. Her legs straddled me as she began to kiss me. Her dress rose up, exposing her thighs which I set my hands on.

She pulled away, clearly teasing me and wanting to leave me wanting more.. she succeeded, she always did. "Hi baby.." she said sweetly. I chuckled as I sat us up but she remained on my lap, her legs now fully wrapped around my waist. "I've missed you so much.." She whispered in my ear before moving down to kiss my neck. I groaned as I had to control myself, knowing this couldn't go any further.. not now.

"You look extremely handsome!" She said as she pulled away and looked at me. "You look stunning, absolutely breathtaking." I complimented her, making her blush. She smiled as she stood up and grabbed onto my hand, pulling me up with her.

She hugged me, burying herself in my arms. "Thank you for being here for me today.." She whispered. I held her close as I told her she had nothing to thank me for. I knew she was nervous about today, but I would always be by her side.. today and every day. With me by her side, I would never let Keith intimidate her. We knew he was coming here with a purpose, but he would have to face me if he wanted to get to her.

"You have nothing to worry about baby, I promise you." I told her, giving her one last kiss before we headed downstairs.

~ addison pov

I stayed close to Bryce, holding onto his hand as we walked downstairs. Keith's mother, Debra, had messaged me this morning to let me know that they had arrived to LA. I was expecting them to be here at exactly 4, as all she had been speaking about for the past week was this party. She asked me multiple times if I needed anything, but I had stopped taking help from that family the second Keith abandoned us. I didn't want to ever feel like I owed them anything.

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