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~ addison pov

We spent a while longer at the lake before it began to get a bit chilly outside. Bryce helped me out of the small boat as we began to walk back towards his car. He held my hand as he led me to where he parked and opened the door for me. I jumped inside and got comfortable as I took out my phone to see a reassuring message from Dixie that everything was going well. I smiled before putting my phone away and facing the beautiful man that sat beside me.

He started his car before looking at me. "Do you want me to take you home?" he asked me. I looked at him as it took everything in me to say Yes. Every part of me wanted to go home with him tonight but I knew I shouldn't. Bryce was my guilty pleasure and I knew I wouldn't be able to contain myself if I went home with him. And I didn't want our relationship starting off with sex.. we deserved better than that. I wanted to continue working on our connection before it escalated to that. I wanted to make sure he wanted this just as much as I did before giving myself to him.

He smiled as he held my hand while driving. I hoped he wasn't upset or bothered.. by looking at him I couldn't exactly tell. But I knew he was considering taking me to his house just by simply asking me that. But it was okay.. patience was key and all good things came with time. Our time would come, but right now was not it.. I had a child and I wasn't going to put myself in a relationship unless it was serious. I needed assurance from Bryce before taking things further.

As he pulled up to my home, he put his car in park before looking at me innocently. I smiled as I reached over to give him a kiss before leaving. I thanked him for the beautiful date as I was truly impressed.. Bryce went above and beyond with tonight. He promised me that I had nothing to thank him for and that it was his pleasure. God I was lucky... he was too good to me.

Just as I was about to open the car door to walk out, I felt him reach for me with his hand. I turned around to see Bryce pouting, "Please don't leave, I don't want to say goodbye yet.." he said frowning. I giggled as I held onto his hand.

"Do you want to come inside?" I asked impulsively. I instantly regretted it, not because I didn't want to continue spending my night with him but because I had my SON inside. But I wasn't thinking with my head, I was following my heart.. and all I knew was that I wasn't ready to say goodbye to Bryce tonight yet.

I didn't have to wait much for a response as he quickly nodded and turned off his car. I giggled as I jumped out of the car with him. I told him we could walk directly into my backyard where we could hang out on one of my comfy couches. I told him it was my favorite spot to hang.. which wasn't a complete lie but I wasn't willing to invite him inside tonight and possibly expose myself with pictures we had hung up of Jacob.

He happily let me lead him outside as he stopped for second, admiring the beautiful view. "Addison, wow, you have such a nice home.." he said, as I thanked him. We sat on my couch as I put my legs on him to get comfy. He chuckled, putting his hands over my legs and pulling himself closer to me.

He moved my hair out of my face as I looked at him. "You are the most beautiful girl I've ever met, did you know that?" he whispered, caressing my cheek. I blushed as I shook my head, telling him it was impossible. "I pinky promise!!" he said, making me giggle with how silly he was being.

He left a kiss on my nose before I rested my head on his chest and silence took over. We stayed like this for a while as we laid in peace. I let my mind wander, thinking of how this could be my forever. Jacob upstairs, silently asleep while I was with my protector. If only Bryce actually knew what was behind those doors.. I wished he was what I expected. But Bryce, the party animal.. a step father? That just didn't seem to fit..

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