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~ bryce pov

I walked back inside and into the living room where the rest of the boys were. I watched them all huddle around Griffin who was clearly having a tough time. He stated Dixie had denied all of his calls and had only sent him a message letting him know that she didn't want to hear from him. "Just give her time man.. I'm sure she will allow you to explain yourself soon. She's just hurt right now." I told him. He began to say he wanted to go to her home and speak to her but we all knew that wasn't a good idea.

We focused on calming him down, everyone cancelling their plans for the night in order to stay home with him. The guys began to drink but I wasn't in the mood for that at the moment. I found my time to pull Jaden away as I desperately needed to speak to someone and he was the person I always went to for things like these.

We left the boys outside as we heading inside to talk. He asked me if everything was okay and I nodded, telling him that I was fine but that I needed to speak to him about something serious. "Give it to me.." he said as he laid back on the sofa, allowing me to speak.

I knew I maybe shouldn't speak on this, but I had to.. I had to express how I felt to someone. I spilled the news of Addison being a mother to Jaden. His jaw dropped and his eyes widened, being completely surprised. He asked me questions, many that I had no answers to.. I was just as confused myself. Addison and I weren't able to have a conversation about it so I didn't know much.

"How do you feel man?" He asked me, clearly noting how overwhelmed I was. I sighed as I buried my face in my hands and looked down. That was a loaded question at the moment.. I didn't know how I felt, I didn't know how to feel. I liked this girl a lot, I knew that.. but this was a huge commitment. This was something that could change my life, having this little man in my life. It's not something I wanted to shy away from, but I needed to be completely sure about Addison before things could continue to move forward.

"I mean.. I don't know.." I said, feeling lost. "I feel like I met this amazing girl that I was feeling and she just dropped a bomb. I feel like I'm being forced to skip all of these steps with her now because she has a kid.. and I don't know if I'm ready for that." Knowing she has a kid just made everything more serious for us. I knew that she shared this with me because I started to mean something to her. She saw potential in me, in us..

"I know it's a lot for you right now Bryce.. but Addison is special, you know that. If you really like her, I think you should continue to try things out. But if you are hesitant, you need to tell her. She has a lot riding on the line, and if you aren't serious about her, please don't waste her time.." Jaden said. I knew he was right. Addison deserved someone who could give her their all. She deserved that and her son deserved that.

Right now, I just wasn't sure if that was me..


~ addison pov

I woke up with Dixie on one side and Jacob on the other. I looked at the time which read 8am and sat up, I knew I wasn't going to get any more sleep this morning. I reached over for my phone and sighed when I realized another day had passed and I still hadn't heard from Bryce. It had been two days since I told him about Jacob, and I wasn't surprised to see that he was now avoiding me.. I should've expected this.

Bryce wasn't ready for this type of commitment. It was all fun and games until he learned that I had actual responsibilities in life. Maybe it was a turn off.. to know that I had a little boy at home. But I looked down at Jacob and knew that it was his loss if he chose to really not have us in his life.

I then turned to Dixie who was still sound asleep. I frowned as it was evident how heartbroken she still was. I had spent the night at her place two nights ago but she had asked me to sleep over last night, still really upset about the break-up. She still hadn't spoken much to Griffin, she wasn't ready for that yet which was okay. He was going to have to run on her schedule now. There was nothing that he could say to make this better, but she at least deserved an explanation when she was ready to hear it.

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