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~ addison pov

"Bryce is upstairs with Jacob right now and I think he's gonna put him to bed, but then we're heading over to his place if that's okay with you?" I asked my mother. She nodded, assuring me that she would take care of him. I smiled as I hugged her and thanked her before grabbing some snacks and running back upstairs.

Bryce had asked for some chocolate which I threw at him. He had Jacob wanting some, but we had to limit him as it was soon his bedtime. I grabbed him instead, tickling him and playing with him to distract him. We had spent the entire day with him as Bryce had stayed over last night and hadn't even gone home today. Jacob was loving it as we took him out for lunch and jumped in the pool with him after.

We still hadn't had our talk with him yet though and I figured tonight would be great to then see how he reacted tomorrow morning. I pulled him onto my lap as I gave him kisses and held him close. Bryce put down the chocolate to be able to cuddle up to us, pulling me to his side and wrapping his arms around me. We laid back and Jacob sat facing us as he sat comfortably on my thighs.

"Mommy and I have something to talk to you about buddy!" Bryce said, grabbing his attention. We had already spoken about this prior and Bryce had asked to be able to be the one to speak to him. I agreed to let him as he probably needed to be assured by him anyways.

"Mommy has told me about your crying when i'm not here, why is that happening?" He asked, Jacob frowning as if he was in trouble. We assured him he wasn't, but we wanted to know how he was feeling. It was hard having these kinds of conversations with toddlers but Jacob was smart and we were often able to talk to him about many things.

"I miss you when you not here daddy.." he said, making me sad. Bryce held my hand as he squeezed it to make me feel better, but welcomed Jacob into his arms with his free hand. Jacob jumped directly into his arms as Bryce kissed his forehead. "I can't always be here in the mornings, but that doesn't mean I won't come visit as soon as I can." he told him, Jacob nodding. "I don't want you crying anymore okay, that makes me sad."

Jacob nodded as he promised he wouldn't cry anymore. "You never leaving me daddy, right??" he asked him, looking into his eyes. I could see the pain in Jacob's eyes, pain that stemmed from stuff he didn't even know of. It was crazy how kids felt it all, no matter how hard I tried to protect him, he was still damaged from it all.

"I promise I would never.." Bryce whispered as he pulled him into a hug. They stayed like this until Jacob fell asleep and Bryce carried him over to his room. Jacob must've woken up again because Bryce stayed in the room with him for a while before returning.

I laid in my bed, reaching my arms out for him as soon as I saw him enter my room. He smiled at me as he hovered over me and kissed me before laying on top of me. I played with his hair before running my hands under his shirt and rubbing his back. "How's my baby?" I asked him, Bryce telling me that he was fine but he looked up at me with concern. "Do you think it's really the best to leave tonight? I feel bad leaving after that conversation we had with him."

I smiled at how sweet Bryce was, he really had the biggest heart in the world. He was so new to parenting that all he ever wanted to do was spoil Jacob and please him. I wanted to do the same, but I knew I couldn't put my life on hold just to do that. I knew Jacob would be fine, he had my family staying with him and he would learn that there was no need to cry every morning that we were missing.

"I know you have the purest intentions.. but Jacob will be okay. Plus, I might be the one who won't be okay if I don't have you tonight.." I whispered seductively in his ear, wrapping my legs around his waist. He smirked as he picked me up, holding me in his arms as he stood up from the bed. "You got everything you need? We are leaving!" He said, not wanting to waste any more time.

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