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~ bryce pov

Three days had passed since the situation and I had practically moved myself into Addison's home. I was helping out more with her siblings and Jacob, as they were dealing with the legal issues of this all. We had found out that both Keith and Debra had left the state and her lawyer was calling them back to be able to deal with all of this in person.

They were to arrive tomorrow and Addison was in a meeting to finalize some last minute things for the meet. These last few days have been absorbed with all of this lawyer stuff and I had barely even seen Addi smile. It hurt my heart but I wanted to do something for her so I had to consult Dixie.

Dixie was in the loop with everything that was going on as Addison often called her crying, but she had been unable to come visit. She was busy recording her new song, but I reached out because I wanted to have her come over tonight. I wanted to invite some of her closest friends to lighten up the mood a little, but I also didn't want to overwhelm her so we would limit the amount of people invited.

When I spoke to her mother about it, she agreed that it was a good idea as Addison clearly needed a distraction. After speaking to her, I decided to invite Jaden, Mads, Josh, Blake and Dixie who were all some of our best friends. I informed them a bit about the situation without over sharing and just asked them to be sensitive of Addison and her feelings. They all immediately agreed to show up for her as they knew she needed this.

For now, I laid with Jacob in bed as I waited for Addison to finish her meeting. It went for two hours before she finally came out and greeted us. "Hi!" she said as she picked up Jacob. She smiled at him as she kissed his cheek before reaching down to kiss me as well.

"What are my two favorite boys up to?" she asked as she sat down on the bed. I wrapped my arms around her as I rested my head on her lap and felt her fingers run through my hair. "We were watching Batman!!" Jacob said, answering his mother's question. We had been watching a ton of movies lately as well as playing some games, anything to keep him preoccupied while Addi was busy.

She smiled as she thanked me, she hadn't left her home due to the situation and was also hiding from Social Media. Addison was under a lot of stress, she wanted to make a statement but was advised to not do so yet. She had her manager and lawyer telling her what to do, but tonight I wanted her to have a break from all of that. I sat up as she asked me if I was hungry. I nodded, as we agreed to order some pizza for the night. I ordered extra without her even noticing for our friends who were already on their way. I was excited to finally see her smile and enjoy herself, which she hasn't been able to do lately. She had been worrying about tomorrow and having to see Keith again, but I wanted to be her distraction tonight.

I laid with her in bed for a while before finally receiving a message from Josh that they were all here. He let me know that Sheri let them in and that they were all in the backyard. "Wanna go wait for the pizza downstairs? I'm starving and I think it's almost here." I said as I looked up at her. She nodded as she stood up and placed Jacob in the ground who ran downstairs, not even waiting for us.

She giggled as she grabbed my hands. She gave me a kiss as she hugged me. "I love you.." She whispered. "..and I have so much to thank you for, i appreciate you so much and all that you have done for me these past few days baby." She said. She had nothing to thank me for truthfully.. as her boyfriend, there was nothing more that I wanted to see than to see her happy. I would stop at nothing to try and do that for her.

"I love you more Addison, never forget that I will always be by your side, in the good and the bad." I told her. I knew she had a terrible relationship in the past, as had I. We both came into this relationship with major trust issues, but together we were able to get past all of that. We were building something for our future, a life with each other.

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