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~ bryce pov

"My boy over here is trying to shoot his shot with Addison." Josh joked as I walked into the room. All of us boys were just hanging out and drinking some beers prior to some people coming over tonight. "Oh yeah, did you invite Addison tonight?" Jaden asked me. I nodded as in that very moment I felt my phone vibrate, finally seeing a message from Addison.

Since you asked nicely, i'll see you tonight Hall.

I smiled as I saw her message. Josh instantly caught on and grabbed my phone to see Addi's message as well. "My boy is in!!" He yelled as he jumped up and down. I rolled my eyes as I pushed him back down onto the couch. "Addison is a nice girl okay, I have to actually try and be good to impress her, no embarrassing me tonight!" I warned.

I finished my beer and I told myself that was the last one for tonight. Addison was a sweet girl, too sweet for me, but there was something about her that intrigued me. I wanted to get to know her more, there was an obvious flirtation going on between us but I wanted to see if there was anything more there. As Addison was known for being the good girl, I wanted to behave tonight. I wouldn't get drunk.. I wanted to be sober to enjoy her presence and be in the moment. To say the least, it was obvious that I was beyond excited to be able to see her tonight. She was beautiful but also mysterious, I knew there was more to her and I wanted to uncover that. I was excited to hopefully be able to get to know Addison more.

"Addison is a really good girl, so don't fuck it up!" Jaden said, his serious tone coming out. Jaden was very protective of all of his friends - especially his girl friends around us. He had known Addison for longer and they already had a great bond. He knew her more and had guaranteed me that I had met one of the most amazing girls in L.A. He warned me to treat her right and not fuck up this chance she was giving me, I took note and promised myself to not fuck up either.

As the night began, some of the people we had invited over began to show. Most of the guys had just invited over girls. Jaden invited over Mads who wasn't his official girlfriend yet, but he was head over heals for the girl. Josh was with Nessa who he was also in love with but would deny it on a daily. As they were all lost in their girls, I sat with Nick and Tayler who were playing a drinking game. They were surprised but impressed that I wouldn't be drinking tonight. As I sat back, watching them chug their drinks, I took out my phone. It was now 9 and I still hadn't heard from Addison. I decided to message her and see where she was.

Addison, baby girl, don't tell me that you are already thinking of ditching me. I hope you are on your way, I'm already bored without you here.

~ addison pov

As we finished our late dinner, I picked up Jacob to go upstairs. He played with his toys as I got his bath ready to bathe him before putting him to bed. Dixie played with him as they both threw a ball around. Dixie yelled for me as my phone rang. It was Jacob's grandmother who often called to be able to speak to him.

Although my ex wasn't in the picture anymore, I never held it against his family. They loved Jacob and always made the effort to be able to speak to him and see him when able to do so. My ex had joined the military last year which meant he was never home anyways so I never had to worry about that. As I answered the phone, I greeted her before showing her Jacob. She spoke to him as he excitedly waved at her and threw her kisses. I kept her on the phone as I took him to his bath. She loved being able to hear updates about him and spend small moments with him.

As we were on the phone, I saw a message come in from Bryce. My eyes widened as I faced Dixie who gave me a look. "Okay baby, say bye to Grandma, we need to get you to bed." I quickly said. She waved at him as Jacob said goodnight and we hung up the phone. I opened my messages to see Bryce's message, instantly blushing. Dixie quickly took the phone from my hand to also read the message, "okay, we need to go.. now!!" she said as I picked up Jacob from his shower.

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