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~ bryce pov

I sat on my front stairs as I awaited for Tayler to arrive with Addison. I was already in bed when he had called me, but I knew this was urgent. Addison didn't drink much and I could only imagine how she was feeling right now if she was actually drunk.

I was surprised to hear from her. I'm not going to lie.. I had been avoiding her, but not because I wanted to hurt her. I only needed more time to figure out my feelings. I liked her of course but I wasn't sure about how we could proceed in our relationship at the moment. I had a lot to process and I just needed more time. But my time was up.. Addison would be at my house soon and I knew she would want to talk about it.

I sighed as I looked down. "Listen to your heart Bryce" I whispered to myself to remind myself to stop being in my head so much. My thoughts were dangerous, I was an over thinker and that stopped me from being great. I knew Addison was good for me but the fear in me stopped me from pursuing her.

I looked up when I heard Tayler pull up. I saw Addison in the passengers seat leaning on his window. She had fallen asleep and looked so peaceful, I almost felt bad having to move her. Tayler got out of his car and walked up to me, explaining the night. "Thank you for looking after her and bringing her here man." I said, thanking him. I knew these parties, I attended these kind of parties, I knew that anybody could've easily taken advantage of her in the state that she was in.. but I was glad that Tayler was there to take care of her.

I walked over to the other side of the car to see her still asleep. I had Tayler hold her from the other side as I opened the door and picked her up. I held her in my arms as I said my goodbyes to Tayler and walked inside. I took her directly to my room and set her on my bed so she could sleep comfortably. I sighed as I couldn't help but stare at her, why was I so dumb.. how could I even double think about whether this was worth it, of course she was worth it.

I shook my head and stopped thinking about it as I walked to my closet to grab some clothes for her. I walked back and decided I should probably wake her up. I didn't want to undress her by myself and make her feel uncomfortable in the morning. I lightly shook her, having to try a couple of times before she finally woke up. She looked up at me with sleepy eyes as she immediately turned around.

"Where am I?" she asked me, sitting up but instantly grabbing her head. I stood up to look for some advil as I knew she would need it. I sat next to her and passed over the medication along with gatorade for the electrolytes she so desperately needed. She took it without hesitation but she wasn't able to hold it down too well.

Before I could even speak, she ran to my bathroom to vomit. I frowned as I saw her hover over the toilet. I sat next to her to rub her back and hold her hair up, making sure to offer my support. I already knew how she felt and it wasn't a good feeling. I passed her water this time and encouraged her to drink some. She leaned her back on my shower door and her eyes watered. "It's okay Addi, you're gonna be fine.." I whispered, trying to comfort her.

She pulled away at my touch and scooted away from me. "Why am I here?" she asked me with a bit of annoyance in her tone. I let her know that Tayler had brought her over per her request. It was clear that she didn't remember much.. it worried me how much she drank. And it upset me to think that she might had drank that much because of how upset she was with me.

We sat in silence for a bit before she hovered over the toilet again, vomiting for a second time. I pulled her hair back for her again but I felt her push me. When she was done, she stood up and rinsed her mouth with my mouthwash. "I'm leaving" she said abruptly as she walked out of my bathroom, not even being able to walk straight. I grabbed her hand as I told her she was not leaving, not in this condition. But typical Addison.. she tried to fight me on this one.

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