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~ bryce pov

The party came to an end and we had all stuck around to help Addison clean up. She had invited the boys to stay for a bonfire that she was planning. All of the boys of course proceeded to invite their girls, with Addison's permission. She was becoming so open with others pertaining to Jacob which made me happy. She was slowly coming out of her shell and would do it in public once she was ready as well.

While we cleaned, we all noticed Keith and his family were still around, sitting at their table. I rolled my eyes as Debra was the only one who offered to help clean, the others just sat around. "What are they still doing here anyways?" Blake asked me as he followed my gaze and noticed I was looking at them. I shrugged as I looked away. "I haven't been able to figure them out and what they're doing here.. it doesn't seem like Keith cares much about Jacob so who knows."

All afternoon, Keith had multiple opportunities to try and bond with Jacob, but took none of them. He instead sat around and watched us boys make more of an effort than he did. He cared more about wanting to confront Addison but he was just being disrespectful which I couldn't allow. He was trying it with me, but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of getting anything out of me. The old Bryce would've settled things a long time ago, but I knew I had to be better for Addison.

As the boys and I completed putting the tables away, I saw Keith walk up to Addison. I sighed, wanting to go to her rescue, but I knew this didn't pertain me. If she needed my help, she would ask for it.. but I needed to let them speak.

I watched her nod as if she was accepting finally speaking to him. She began to lead him inside but stopped by me first. She smiled at me and kissed me, whispering in my ear to keep the ringer on, on my phone just in case. I nodded as I assured her I would. She also passed the radio to me, asking me to please keep track of Jacob in case he woke up. I promised her I would and kissed her one last time before watching her walk inside with Keith.

"You have a strong girl, she'll be okay!" Dixie assured me with a smile. I nodded and smiled back, thanking her for her words of encouragement. I knew she was right though, Addison would be able to hold her own and hopefully finally find some closure.

~ addison pov

I walked Keith inside and sat in the living room with him where we could have enough privacy to finally be able to speak. This is a conversation that should've happened months ago, but at least we were still having it. We had a child that we should both be looking after. No matter the hate I had for him, I didn't want Jacob growing up without a father if he didn't have to.. but Keith had to step up in order for that to not happen.

We sat in silence for a bit before Keith finally spoke up. "I came here because I do want to be in Jacob's life.." he stated, I listened to him as he stated he did care, but his military schedule just didn't allow him to be around as much. "When I left, I know it was abrupt, but I had to do something for myself.. the military has allowed me to be stable and I want to help you out now."

I laughed internally at his weak excuse. There were so many ways that he could've kept in touch if he truly wanted to, but I didn't want to bring up the past and start a fight. I instead wanted to look into the future and hopefully help make this work. "I will never be the person to keep you away from your son.. however I also won't allow you to come in and out of his life because that is unfair for him. Actions speak louder than words. And unless you show me you want this, I won't believe you."

He nodded, telling me that what I was saying was fair and that he wanted to show me he has changed. "I asked to be transferred to California, I want to show you that I am serious Addison.. about Jacob and about us." he said, now trying to reach for my hand.

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