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~ addison pov

Dixie spent all of yesterday blasting my phone as she continued to ask me what had happened the night we spent at the Sway House. Unfortunately for us, we hadn't been able to find time to see one another due to our busy schedules. But it was now Friday night and we had blocked out tonight to be able to have a girls night. Dixie would be staying the night which gave us more than enough time to speak on what happened.

I sat in my backyard with my brothers and Jacob as we started a bonfire so they could eat some s'mores. I made one for Jacob as he sat on my lap and I fed it to him. This boy died for sweets, he would eat it all day if he could. As we sat outside, I heard Dixie yell from inside. "I'm here!!" She said happily as she walked outside and showed me the bottle of wine she had brought with her. It was going to be that kind of night.

I laughed as I greeted her. She kissed Jacob's forehead, greeting him by calling him her godson as always. I adored the relationship these two had, Dixie was beyond amazing with him and it made my heart full. I loved that she always made an effort to make him feel included.

We spent a while longer with the kids outside before Jacob began dozing off in my arms. I told Dixie I would just put him to bed and be right back. She nodded, telling me she was going to grab us wine glasses so we could start off the night. I smiled as I agreed and took Jacob up to his room, bringing along my brothers who also needed to start getting ready for bed.

As I set Jacob down, I walked back out to meet Dixie by the fire pit. I laid next to her on a couch we had set up as we cheered and drank our wine. Dixie wasted no time as she asked me what happened with Bryce a couple of nights prior. I blushed as I remembered the night, especially the time we spent in his bedroom.

Before I could begin telling her about my night, I felt my phone vibrate. I pulled it out from my back pocket to see Bryce facetiming me. Dixie squealed as she looked at me with a surprised look on her face. I blushed as I rolled my eyes and told her to act normal.

"Normal... wait... does he always call you?" She asked. I couldn't stop blushing as I chose not to answer that question right before having to answer his call. But yes.. Bryce had made an effort to call me every day since the time we spent at his home and it was extremely cute. It was something I looked forward to, being able to hear his voice.

I warned Dixie again to please act normal as I finally answered his facetime. I saw a smiling Bryce as he waved at me, "hi gorgeous" he said in his cute voice that I had grown to love so much. I grinned as I greeted him back and immediately showed him that I was with Dixie so he wouldn't say anything too inappropriate. He greeted her as well as he stood up from his bed and we watched him leave his room. We kept hearing him repeat "wait on it" as he finally entered Griff's room and threw himself on him. We laughed as the boys playfully suggested we switch places so Dixie could spend the night with Griff and I could spend the night with Bryce. It wasn't here worst idea I had heard..

Dixie quickly took over my phone as she stared at Griff in admiration and spoke to him. I laid back on the couch as I sipped on my wine and let her talk to her man.

"Okay.. okay.. I didn't call for you two to have this conversation. You can call your own girl." I heard Bryce say in the background as he took his phone back and said goodbye to Griff as he left his room. Dixie frowned as she returned my phone. I giggled as I said hi to Bryce once again.

"Sorry I interrupted your call with YOUR girl" Dixie said in the background, but definitely loud enough for Bryce to hear. I glared at her as I heard Bryce chuckle. "Yeah, I only get a limited amount of time okay.. she's just so busy" He said with a playful frown as I shook my head. We shared small talk before he told me he would let me go as he knew I was having a girls night.

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