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~ addison pov

I laid on Bryce as I felt this was finally the time to share my story with him. I had been through so much and he didn't know any of it. I wanted to make myself vulnerable to him, I had never done it with any guy before.. but Bryce made me feel safe. I looked up at him as I told him my ex threatened to show up on Saturday. His eyes widened as he was clearly surprised. I went on to tell him that we weren't on good terms and I hadn't invited him. I didn't want him there, but Keith would show up anyways.

"We dated for many years before I got pregnant.. when I did get pregnant, we tried to work on our relationship. It was a very toxic one, but I loved him. I let him abuse me mentally because I thought if I gave him everything, he would eventually love me back.. but he never did.." I felt tears begin to form in my eyes as all of my memories with Keith came back to me. It was a dark time in my life, where my self-esteem was really low and I craved his love and attention to make me feel better. But he never gave me any of that.. I was left always searching for it and never received it.

"When I had Jacob, my life changed.. I began to want to live for him. I was in such a dark place in my life with terrible thoughts, but Jacob truly saved me. Keith was absent from the very beginning. He would barely help with him at all. The entire first year, he was in and out of his life.. he cheated on me with multiple girls.." I shared. My past relationship is why I had trust issues, it was hard for me to let any guy in.. I loved hard. I had so much love to give that all I ever wanted was to find someone. When I met Keith, I was young and naive, he took advantage of that and destroyed me.

"It was shortly after Jacob turned one that he left us. He joined the military without telling me.. he didn't even say goodbye to his son. We haven't seen him since then, his mother was the one that shared the news. He hadn't called me until today.. hearing his voice, it brought me so much anger. I wish I didn't let it.. but he still has so much power over me, I hate him Bryce, I hate him so much!" I exclaimed, crying into his chest. He had been silent this entire time, just allowing me to speak. But I could tell he was also becoming angry himself. Bryce was protective of me and I knew it hurt him to see me like this.

He hugged me and held me in his arms as he comforted me. He kissed my forehead before raising my chin so our eyes would lock. "Addison.. I am so sorry. You didn't deserve to go through any of that. For him to do that to you and leave Jacob.. there is clearly so much wrong with him. You are amazing Addison, you are the strongest, most intelligent, loving and caring girl I have ever met. I would give up the world for you because you are worthy of that and more. I know you have this terrible past, but please don't let that change the way you view yourself. He is a jerk and a lowlife, and if I could, I would punch his face in."

I couldn't help but smile as I hugged him. He wrapped his big arms around me as to remind me that he could really hurt Keith if I asked him to.. but I could never. Violence never resolved anything and even though Keith deserved it, we had to act like the mature adults because he could never. I softly kissed him as I thanked him. I thanked him for listening to me and accepting me with all of my pain and sorrows. "Addison.. you have nothing to thank me for. Everyone has a past.. you went through a lot, but I'm here now to make sure that you never have to go through anything like that ever again." He said sweetly, making me smile big. I had finally found my knight and shining armor..

~ bryce pov

We laid in bed for a while longer before she assured me that she was okay. "I am exhausted though, so I think we should head home.." she told me. I nodded as I knew this situation took an emotional toll on her.. she deserved to go home and rest. I held her hand as I led her outside, but it was now dark and the boys were no longer there.

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