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~ bryce pov

"What a successful week of being completely trashed, but ultimately not cheating. I am proud of you boys." Tayler said. I chuckled as I shook my head, was that even a thought? These last few days, all I had been thinking about was Addison and going back to her. I was over the drugs and alcohol. I missed having my girl in my arms, along with my little man. 

I threw my bags in the van and tried to call Addison, but I was sent to voicemail once again. I sighed as I put my phone away. I hadn't spoken to her since yesterday morning and I wasn't sure why. But I tried not to think too deep into it - we were fine. There was no reason for us not to be fine.

We got into the van and prepared for our trip. I made myself comfortable in the back as I knew I needed to nap. I was barely able to close my eyes before I heard the guys begin to whisper. It was clear by their reactions that something had happened. I tried not to ask questions, but once the news reached Josh, he wasn't able to keep it to himself.

"Bryce.. fuck." he said under his breath as he held Griffin's phone in his hand. "What??" I questioned him, grabbing the phone from his hand. The phone was open to tiktokroom - typical. The post was of the pool party where that girl was all over me. I had my arm around her waist for a literal second when I stood up and she decided to stand up with me, I did it just to hold her balance as she was clearly drunk. Nothing happened, but of course it would be turned into something different.

The post was taken from tiktok, but it was posted by someone anonymous. The comments were already filled with people assuming that I cheated and everyone saying Addison was too good for me. I wasn't surprised, everyone loved to say that, no matter how much I proved myself, I was always seen as the problematic person on social media. I shook my head, giving the phone back. "Who even was that fucking girl!" I yelled out of anger. This is exactly why I don't hang out with random people, you never know people's intentions and you never know who is around for clout. I was barely at that party for long, let alone hanging around that girl. I wasn't at all interested in her or any other female in Texas.

"Bro, it's clearly just an attempt to make it look like you cheated, but you didn't. Just clear things up." I heard Josh say.

"Yeah, just clear things up. Too bad my girlfriend won't even pick up my fucking calls. She probably already saw this shit.." I said, pissed off as I tried calling her once again just to be send to voicemail. This time, I actually left a message for her. "Hey Addison, I don't know what is going on, what you have seen or are believing, but please call me back. I'll be back in town tonight and your place is the first one I want to hit if you let me." I hung up, hoping that she would find it in her to at least return my phone call.

I then proceeded to open Twitter. I guess I had been unproblematic for too long. I had matured, found myself a girl and was content with my life now. But people begged for the Bryce that was reckless and didn't care to start problems. This was the shit that fueled me up and was exactly what I needed to get back to my old self.

"Don't say anything stupid." Jaden warned me, looking over my shoulder as I typed aggressively. "I know you're pissed, clear your name, but don't say anything that will hurt Addison or jeopardize your relationship further." He said, calming me down a bit, I knew he was right. I also knew Addison should be the first to hear from me, but because she wasn't answering, she would have to get my explanation from twitter.

I didn't fucking cheat. I have no interest in cheating. I wasn't even drunk, but the girl I was helping up was. Open your fucking eyes and stop believing everything you see on the internet.

How bored can people be to continue to spread a false narrative. No I didn't cheat in Texas, but yes I am going back to L.A. to the best girl. #staymad

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