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~ bryce pov

I looked down at Addison as I couldn't help but get lost in her beauty. I kissed her, having missed the feeling of her lips on mine. I was the complete idiot that had pushed this girl away when she had done absolutely nothing wrong. I should've been grateful that she had finally opened up to me, it was what our relationship needed. As I pulled away from the kiss, I still held her close as if noting to myself that I could never let her go again.

"I don't want you to feel pressured with having to meet Jacob.. I know it's a lot to take in, and you don't have to until you're ready." she said in a sweet tone. I knew she could pick up on how nervous the topic made me. It wasn't that I didn't want to meet Jacob.. I just didn't want to meet him and screw things up. I wanted him to like me, he had to if I wanted to continue dating his mother. I just didn't have much interaction with children and it was very overwhelming to just think about it.

But I had to stop acting like a child myself. I shouldn't be the one that Addison had to wait for to be ready. She was the one who should decide when I had the honor to meet her child. "I'm okay Addison, I promise.. I want you to tell me when you're ready." It was clear that she was protective of him, she had hid him from the entire world and she had done it well. I was willing to bet that with all of the friends she had, still only a handful of them knew about Jacob. It meant the world that she even wanted to speak about him with me, let alone allow me to meet him.

"I think you would adore him Bryce.. I would love for you to meet him." she said with a sparkle in her eyes. She radiated so much love whenever she spoke about him. It was clear that he meant the world to her. It was true that a mother's love was unique and special, I could see that with Addison and the way she spoke about him. I knew that if I wanted to be a part of her life, he also had to be included in that little bundle.

"I want to meet him!" I said with confidence and joy, making Addison smile. She jumped on me and hugged me, thanking me. I laughed as I sat us up and looked at her. "What are you thanking me for?" I asked her.

"For accepting me, for accepting my child.. not every man would be able to do that. I know it's a burden and-"

"No Addison, it is not, dont say that." I said interrupting her. I could see the sparkle now being lost in her eyes as they turned sad. It was clear that Addison had experienced a lot of pain in her life and she was forced to hide it when entering the world of Hollywood. I hadn't even thought to ask her about her baby daddy but it was a conversation I didn't want to push, not now at least. Even though I was curious about their history and current dynamic, I knew she would share that with me when she was ready.

"You are not a burden and neither is your son. If anything I like you more now that I know this. The way you are able to love that boy is so beautiful, I could only be lucky to have you love me half as much one day.." It was true. My feelings weirdly felt like they were going to explode for this girl. We had only known each other for a little bit over a month now and I was feeling overwhelmed with all of my feelings for her. I had never felt this way about any other girl before, but I knew this felt right. Maybe this is how one felt when meeting their soulmate, I wanted Addison to be mine.

Addison lowered herself back down to my side as she hugged me tightly. "Thank you.." was all she could say. I could feel her hold back tears as I kissed her forehead. I knew the alcohol probably just made her more emotional, but I knew this was a big topic to speak on for her as well.

"I can't wait to love you.. and grow with you.." She whispered, making me smile. I kissed her passionately before I decided I should let her rest. I know she needed it. She rested her head on my chest once again as we both said good night. I rubbed her back before quickly watching her doze off into a beautiful sleep. I kissed her forehead before closing my eyes as well, feeling beyond grateful to have this girl in my life.

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