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~ bryce pov

"You look beautiful, strong, badass.." I smirked as I applied a necklace on Addison. We both stood in front of her mirror as she asked me how she looked for the tenth time today. She was nervous as today was her meeting with Keith, his mother and their lawyers. Addison's lawyers had filed a suit again him for Defamation, but Addison was tired of all of this.. she just wanted to know that everything pertaining Jacob would be okay. She wanted to make sure Keith wouldn't continue with his antics.

I turned her around as I smiled at her and kissed her softly. "You are going to be okay baby." I assured her as she hugged me and thanked me. I would be taking Jacob over to the Sway House today as this meeting would take hours. I wanted to distract him and Addison wanted to make sure Keith didn't act inappropriate with him in the house.

"I did get you something though.. just something to remind you that I am always there, even if not physically.. I believe in you and know you will hold your own." I said as I pulled out a box from my pocket. She smiled at my words and her eyes widened as she saw the ring that I had gotten her.

I wanted to buy her something special to show my love and dedication for her. I had bought her a Promise Ring to represent our relationship. Her jaw dropped as she was in shock, "Bryce.." she whispered, but I stopped her. I knew she was going to say I didn't have to, but I absolutely wanted to. "I love you Addison and I will never stop loving you. This is just the beginning for us, I want to show you that I am dedicated to this relationship and dedicated to you. This is my promise to you that I will love you for forever." I said with a smile as I took the ring out of the box.

She couldn't help but smile as she began to fan her face with her hands, "I'm wearing makeup, I can't cry.." she said cutely, making us both laugh. "I love you so much though Bryce, there aren't enough words in the world to express how much you mean to me. You are everything to me, and I know there is so much going on right now.. but after it is all over, I promise it will be you and me, like it should be." She said, before pulling me into a kiss. Us and Jacob of course, they had become my little family.

I smiled as I kissed her deeply. As we pulled away, I slipped the ring onto her finger, thinking of the day I would be able to do it and call her my wife. I smiled at the thought as I looked back up at her. She intertwined our fingers and squeezed my hand before letting me know that we had to go downstairs. I nodded, knowing Keith would arrive soon and I wanted to be there for that moment.

We walked downstairs to her father telling us that her team of lawyers and managers were already in the conference room awaiting them. She nodded, but didn't want to go in as she was still awaiting Keith. I know she wanted to be by my side for when he got here. I had to remind him of the respect I demanded from him, even though I wouldn't be in that meeting, he would remember my words.

As we waited, we hung with Jacob who sat on my lap. He played games on my phones as we made casual conversation with Sheri. She was also noticeably nervous for her daughter, only wanting the best for them. "Mommy, can we watch movie today??" Jacob asked her, putting down my phone.

She tried to explain to him that she had meetings all day, but that only brought a frown to Jacob's face. He loved spending time with Addison and was upset when he wasn't able to, but I know it made her even more upset. "Hey, buddy! I told you I had a surprise for you though.. we are going to have a great day!!" I reminded him. A day with the boys was exactly what he needed, and knowing that he was in good hands would also put Addison at ease.

Jacob jumped up and down in my arms, asking what the surprise was. I chuckled, tickling him to distract him. Addison laughed along with us, the joy in her showing until there was a knock at the door. All of our heads turned as Monty opened the door and there stood Keith and Debra.

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