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~ addison pov

I woke up the next morning with a smile on my face as I remembered last nights events. I wondered if we were still alone in the house and woke up Bryce. "Yeah.. I don't think they're coming back until this afternoon.." he said, rubbing his eyes and stretching. I smiled as I threw myself on top of him and kissed him.

"Well, I need to shower and I know you need to shower, so.. how about we go for round two?" I asked as I winked. I didn't have to ask twice before Bryce picked me up and took us both to the shower. I giggled at his determination but melted in his arms.

We had our fun before finally coming out as we both needed to get ready for our days. I had to go home and see Jacob while Bryce had meetings all day. We both changed and I was now sitting on his couch while Bryce had gone downstairs to put his comforters to wash.. they needed to be placed in the laundry desperately after the night we had.

I opened my phone to see various notifications, being confused as to why everyone had decided to message me all at once. I had multiple missed calls from my mother from both last night and this morning, making me nervous as to whether something happened to Jacob. I didn't even bother looking at my messages as I just instantly called her.

She answered the phone very calmly as she asked me how my night had been. I told her about how Bryce had asked me out, smiling like an idiot the entire time that I told the story. She congratulated me and gave me her blessings, telling me that she was happy for us. But once we moved on from that topic, her tone had noticeably changed.

"There is something I need to tell you though.." She said, making me nervous with the serious tone she was now displaying.

"What? What's wrong, is Jacob okay?" I asked her, my heart racing. Bryce had entered his room in this exact moment to see me in distress. He immediately sat next to me and held my hand, letting me know that he was there for me without even having to say a word.

"Jacob is okay.. but I'm guessing you haven't been on social media today. Your story was leaked, Addison.. I am so sorry." My heart dropped as I knew exactly what she was talking about. Someone had leaked the fact that I was a mother.. it explained the various notifications I had.

Tears immediately began to fall from my eyes as I had to hang up on my mother to see the article. I promised her I would be home soon, needing to be with my son.. but I had to see this first. My hands were shaking as I search up my name on the internet, knowing this would be the first thing I'd find if it had been leaked.

"What's going on?" Bryce asked me, worry showing on his face. I ignored his question as I found an article, the title reading - 'Addison Rae exposed for the child she has been hiding for two years.' My phone dropped as I felt like I lost control of my entire body. Bryce picked up my phone, seeing the article.

"Oh, no.. baby.. I-" he didn't even attempt to comfort me with his words as there was nothing he could say to make this better. He instead just held me.. he held me as I cried in his arms. It was Keith.. it had to be him. He hated me so much that he wanted to hurt me in the best way that he knew how to. He wanted to ruin me and ruin my career.. but he was too ignorant to see how he was hurting his son in the process as well.

I wiped my tears as I stood up and began to look for my stuff. "I have to go, I have to be with Jacob right now.." I said, but Bryce stopped me. "I'm going with you, I'm not letting you drive like this." I wanted to fight him, but I had no will in me to do so. I instead let him lead me to his car. I blankly looked out the window on the ride home as none of us said a word. It felt like my world was falling apart right in front of my eyes and there was nothing I could do about it.

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