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~ bryce pov

"What are you guys doing?" Dixie asked, walking into our backyard. Josh, Jaden and I were currently filling up the backyard with rose pedals and candles. Tonight was the night that I would finally ask Addison to be my girlfriend. We were already so close and it felt like we had been together for years, but I hadn't officially asked the question yet.

It had been about a month since Jacob's birthday party and everything had been going well with us since then. Addison had yet to have any contact with Keith or his family, regardless of the many calls that Debra was sending her way. She asked her for her space and told her she would return the call when she was ready, but she wasn't yet.

After the night of the party, Addison had remained shaken up for a couple of days. She was scared of Keith being the one to expose her to the public, but he hadn't.. not yet at least. She was planning on doing it on her own though, she had already spoken to her manager about it multiple times about how she should do it. She was scared of the paparazzi and how people would react to Jacob, but she knew this was the time to do it.

With all of that going on, I had been a support for Addison. We were doing well, extremely well and I was falling for her even more with every day that passed. I was convinced that Addison was my person, no other girl had ever grabbed my attention in the way that she did. We vibed so well and just had the most amazing time together. I loved her, I truly did and I wanted to make things official tonight.

I knew she was busy with meetings all day, but she was going to be coming over tonight for what she thought is a regular hangout with our friends. However, I am making dinner for her and setting up a movie in the backyard for us. I am not typically a romantic guy, but I want only the best for her as I know she wanted me asking her out to be very special.

"What is all of this?" We looked back at her, telling her that we would only tell her if she promised not to say anything. Dixie being Addison's best friend made that difficult, but all she needed was to remain silent for the day. She nodded as she walked closer to us. She was probably here for Noah and had came to the back to look for him, but we were sure that he was in his room.

Those two had been hitting it off extremely well lately. We didn't ask questions, but it was obvious that they had a connection. We all really liked Dixie and Noah.. separately, but we wished them the best and didn't intervene even if things were a bit weird. Bro code is a thing by the way.. but if Griffin didn't make a big deal about it, we wouldn't either.

"I'm asking Addison out tonight!" I told her, Dixie gasping. She looked around, her eyes widening as she looked at what we were doing. "Oh my goodness, Bryce!! She is going to cry!!!" She said, bringing her hands up to her chest and smiling. "This is so sweet, she is going to love it!!" I smiled as I thanked her, it felt good knowing that I had her best friend's approval. I hoped she did like it!

As Dixie left us to continue trying to find Noah, we got back to work. It took us about another hour to finish decorating. I thanked the boys before going inside to be greeted by their girls, Nessa and Mads. They would be helping me with the cooking portion of this plan. I knew I wanted to make her some chicken alfredo pasta, but i also needed assistance for it to be edible.

The girls agreed to help me as they were also excited that I was finally asking Addison out. It was as if everyone was waiting for it, it should've happened a while ago but I guess I wasn't prepared enough because it needed to be special. But I was working hard to do just that and I appreciated that all of my friends were assisting me as well.

"Alright, let's not mess this up!!" Mads joked as we began to cook. I helped them but mostly just followed orders. We had the boys as an audience, cheering me on but mostly just making fun of me. "If it isn't the Simp King himself!" Blake joked as he walked in with Amelie. I rolled my eyes, warning him to not get me started, especially when he had his girl right next to him. Yes I was a simp, but we all were, it was in our nature.

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