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~ addison pov

"It's me and you baby.. no pressure, but I never lose." Bryce said to me, smirking as we stood on one side of the pool table across from Dixie and Griff. We were a couple of games in and I was a couple of drinks in. These boys embodied the term peer pressure and I had fallen directly into their trap.

"You guys know the rules, losers have to jump in the pool." Josh said before we began. Dixie and I started it off as I gave her an intense look. I was the first to get a ball in, jumping up and down from excitement. Bryce congratulated me as we all laughed. Although I started off well, it seemed to had just been beginners luck. Bryce was the one carrying the team as I continued to embarrass myself. Dixie and Griff were surprisingly good, Griff had clearly gotten practice during his frat boy days.

As the game continued, we were left with two cups while they still had four. I bit my lip, starting to get nervous at the thought of having to jump into the pool because I sucked at a drinking game. "You better start stripping now" Dixie joked as she made in yet another ball. Everyone yelled, cheering them on as Griff was about to go. Bryce laughed as he wrapped his arms around me from behind, "it's okay babe, it's just water" he said jokingly. I pouted as I knew we were going to lose.

Griff made the last cup and they jumped up in celebration. Bryce yelled for Redemption, but we lost that round as well. Dixie and Griff cheered again, having finally officially won the game. I groaned as I looked back at a laughing Bryce. "It's not funny" I said sadly before he pulled me in for another hug. "Sorry love, but we can do it, come on" He said, pulling me towards the pool with everyone following.

Bryce pulled off his shirt as he prepared himself to jump in. I looked away, not wanting to stare for too long but damn was he hot. I took off my plaid shirt as I passed it over to Dixie. I was left in my crop top and shorts, but I wasn't willing to undress myself any further. "I have clothes you can change into after" Bryce said sweetly, I would need it.

"OKAY DO IT!" Anthony yelled in the background. Everyone laughed as they yelled as well. Bryce looked at me as he grabbed my hand. He gave me a small smile before pulling me into the pool with him. The water wasn't too cold, but as we jumped up, we felt the wind hit us quick. I swam towards the edge where I met Bryce. The boys had towels for us which we grabbed, wrapping our bodies with them.

"Oh my god, I'm freezing" I said, tonight wasn't a hot Cali night at all. Bryce pulled me inside, away from everyone who stayed outside to play more games. He directed me to his room where he went directly to his closet to look for clothes to let me borrow. "Do you have any preference?" he asked me, but I shook my head. All I wanted at the moment was clothes to keep me warm.

He handed me a pair of sweats with a tee shirt, which I grabbed and quickly went into the bathroom with to change. As I finished and left the bathroom, I saw Bryce who had also changed, just laying on his bed. He looked up at me and smiled as he spoke up, "do you ever just feel the alcohol hit you all at once?" I heard him say with a chuckle. I laughed as he was clearly drunk.

He pat his bed so I would sit next to him. I nervously did so, sitting on the edge as I looked down at him. "Can you get comfortable please, let me be a good host" he said. I giggled as I let him pull me down next to him. I was now laying with him, his arms wrapped around my waist. This closeness with somebody was something I longed for a long time, it had been a while and it felt so nice to be in Bryce's arms. He made me feel safe, there was just something about him..

"Tell me a secret about you." he whispered as he played with my hair and gave me his full attention. He caught me off guard with that one as I had no idea what to say. The obvious answer would be.. Jacob.. but I didn't want to scare him away just yet. He waited for a bit before speaking up again, "I just want to get to know you" he said with a sweet smile, making my heart melt.. Bryce was so cute, even when drunk.

Getting to Know You // BraddisonWhere stories live. Discover now