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~ addison pov

"Addi... I can't stop staring at you, you look SO GOOD!!!" Dixie yelled as she had just finished curling my hair. I blushed as I shyly covered my face before looking into the mirror to see the finished product. "Girl, look at you!!!" she said, throwing final amounts of hair sprays into my curls. I smiled as I spun around to see the skirt fully bringing the outfit together, I absolutely loved the look as well. I was wearing a bodysuit with a skirt that flowed nicely and low heels.

"Bryce is gonna wanna skip right to dessert, if you know what I mean!!" She said, winking at me and excitedly jumping on the bed. I giggled nervously even thinking about what could happen tonight. I told myself I wasn't going to have sex with him yet, but that didn't mean we still couldn't enjoy each other's company.

Dixie was being the most amazing friend tonight by staying over my house today. She promised me to look over Jacob so I wouldn't be stressed or feel the stress of leaving him with my mother. I encouraged her and my father to go out tonight as well, so it all worked out in the end. She let me know she could stay until late tomorrow in case I wanted to stay at the Sway House tonight, that was an offer that I still didn't know whether I would take though.. i had to see where the night took me.

I did some last minute touches with my mascara and lipstick as I heard Dixie yell that Bryce was five minutes away. I quickly finished before running out of my bathroom to Dixie acting like a proud parent sending her daughter to her first prom. I playfully rolled my eyes as I told her to contain herself. We both laughed as we walked downstairs to where Jacob was with my siblings. I picked him up as I gave him a hug with a frown on my face. I never wanted to leave him, but I knew tonight was important for me and the potential relationship we could build together.

Dixie quickly took him from my arms as she promised me everything would be handled back at home and to not worry. "Are you sure you're okay?" I asked her one last time. She nodded with certainty, letting me know that Charli would also be sleeping over in case she needed any help. I ran through basics with Jacob, telling her that he was mostly good and slept through the entire night. "Just give him his cereal in the morning and he'll be happy!" I said looking at my little boy. I hugged her one last time and thanked her for doing this for me as I heard Bryce beep from outside.

We both squealed one last time before I had to compose myself. I gave Jacob a kiss and waved to my brothers as I walked to the front door. "Be good guys!!" I yelled before also yelling goodbye to my parents who were upstairs and probably couldn't hear me anyways, but it was worth a shot.

As I stood by the door, Dixie gave me a hug. "I love you, have fun, you deserve this.. let yourself let loose and enjoy the date! I promise Jacob will be well taken care of, you have nothing to worry about!" She assured me with a smile and one more hug. God I loved her so much, she was everything I needed in my life and more, I had never met anyone as selfless as Dixie and I was so grateful for that.

I thanked her once again before opening the door and walking towards Bryce who was leaning on his car. He waved at me and smiled sweetly as I reached him. "You look absolutely stunning!" He said, his eyes glowing as he allowed his gaze to check out my body and outfit. I blushed as I thanked him and he pulled me into his arms for a hug. He left a small kiss on my temple before walking me to the other side of his car and opening the door for me like the complete gentleman that he was.

As we both settled ourselves inside his car, he began to drive. We drove with soft music in the background as we spoke and he held my hand which he rested on my thigh. I was now the one staring at him as he looked as handsome as ever. "I'm impressed, you clean up very nice Bryce!" I said, complementing him. He grinned as he thanked me, telling me that he had dressed up only for me. I blushed knowing that was true, Bryce was only ever seen out in shorts and a hoodie. But tonight, he was wearing dress pants with a tucked in black tee, topped off with a nice belt and chain.. he was looking really really good.

He drove a bit longer before we finally reached our destination. We were dining at a steakhouse tonight, but Bryce had driven out of town, telling me that he didn't want any paparazzi and hopefully fans disturbing us tonight. I appreciated this as I didn't want others speaking about us before we even knew what we were.  We left his car at valet parking before Bryce helped me out of the car and held my hand to direct me inside. We were quickly seated for outdoor dining which was on the second floor with stunning views of the city. I had never been to this restaurant but Bryce did well in choosing it, it was a beautiful place.

"This is a lot for a date won through a bet.." I said, teasing him. He chuckled as he looked up at me and was noticeably blushing. He reached over the table to grab my hand and softly caressed it. "Well, I wanted to impress you tonight.." he said shyly. ".. this is more than just winning a bet Adds." he was speaking in a soft tone that made my heart warm. Bryce was so sweet, he was more than what people viewed him as on the internet and I felt so lucky to be here with him right now.

I often closed my heart off to many boys. I was scared, always scared of the possibility of things and what could happen if I really gave my heart to someone. But Bryce didn't scare me, Bryce made me feel comfortable. Something about him made me want to give myself to him.. but I still knew I had to take things slow. I couldn't allow myself to fall for him too quickly.. I still had to shield my heart and be careful.

We ate dinner and shared light conversation. He kept telling me how excited he was of being able to take me to a nice spot after dinner. I was excited as well as I didn't have to worry about being on a time crunch for once.. I wanted to spend all night with Bryce tonight if possible. Once we finished, he paid and grabbed my hand to walk me out. As we waited for his car by the front of the restaurant, I squeezed his hand to grab his attention. "Thank you for dinner, it was really great!" I said with a smile. I couldn't remember the last time a boy had actually taken me out to dinner.. it felt really nice.

"Of course Addi, and I'd love to do it again if you'd allow me to.." he said happily as he kissed my forehead. I felt butterflies in my stomach dancing around as he spoke, all I could do was nod. I don't even think Bryce knew himself how cute he could be. This guy knew all of the right things to say, but I was enjoying him.

As his car was pulled up, Bryce opened my door for me to get in. I sat down as I watched him walk to the other side of the car. Like the proper gentleman he was, he asked me if he could take me somewhere else now. I nodded, how could I say no when this spot was all he had been speaking about during dinner.

As he drove, he kept his hand on my thigh which gave me a reassuring feeling. I smiled as I put my left hand over his and pulled out my phone with my other hand. I was searching for a message from Dixie but I hadn't seen any. I decided to send her one myself asking how Jacob was doing before putting my phone away once again.

Once we arrived, I saw a boardwalk filled with lights that led to a beautiful lake. "I may or may not have rented out this little spot for us tonight.." he said with a grin on his face as we got out of his car. As we walked onto the boardwalk, I noticed our little area was secluded from where others were. He spoke to a man at the front before walking me towards the lake. At the end, there was a floating small boat for two passengers where we could sit and just enjoy the view.

"Bryce.." I whispered, slightly pulling on him to grab his attention. He looked back at me as he waited for me to speak but all I did was show him a shocked face. He chuckled as he continued to pull me towards the boat. "I wanted tonight to be special Addison, I hope you like it.."

"I.. I love it.. Bryce, you didn't have to.." He had gone above and beyond for this one date. I wasn't used to this.. no other boy had ever done this for me before.  I didn't know Bryce that well, but he was showing me how much potential he had.. and we had together.

"It's fine Addison, I'm just worried as to how I'm going to top this next time.." He joked as he laughed. I giggled as I wrapped my arms around his neck and inched closer to him. "You don't have to worry about that, I'm happy by simply just getting to spend time with you" I said honestly. This was all beautiful and greatly appreciated but I didn't want him to feel the pressure of always having to do this much. All I wanted was to be with Bryce, he was more than enough for me. 

** hiii, go read my other story if you haven't already. it's coming to an end soon but I'm excited to focus more on this one!! 

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