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~ bryce pov

"Come on babe, they'll be fine, I promise you!" I chuckled as I watched Addison squeeze Jacob. We were going on a date today and she was trusting Blake, Jaden and Josh to stay with him and babysit. She frowned as she set him down and knew she had to say goodbye. She kissed him and looked at the boys, reminding them of all of the rules.

"Rule number 1, have fun, yesssir!" Josh yelled, making everyone laugh except for Addison. She was nervous of course, but she trusted them.. or at least had to trust them. Her mom had a last minute meeting and was unable to watch over Jacob, the boys were our last option. But Addison had already called Mads who promised her she would be here in an hour, which made her feel more comfortable.

I began to pull at Addison, assuring her that everything would be fine. Jacob loved the boys and they could handle their own for a while. What's the worst that could happen anyways.. they would be fine.

Jaden hugged Addison and asked her to please go and not worry. "We got it Addi, I promise you!" He said with a reassuring smile. Jacob waved at his mother before he happily began to kick around a ball with Josh. She frowned seeing how easily her little boy went with others, but she figured that was a good thing for now.

She finally took my hand as she waved at the boys and thanked them. She allowed me to walk her outside and into my car so we were now on our way. Addison had been very busy these past few days finalizing Jacob's birthday party which was only in two days. She was very stressed, especially with the thought of her ex-boyfriend showing up uninvited. But she had tried to suppress those thoughts, the day was about Jacob and she was excited about that.

As I drove, she continued to ask me where we were going. I smirked as I told her it was a secret. I had planned to take her to this spot since her last meltdown. I knew this was exactly what she needed to feel better. Addison was a professional at suppressing her feelings, but it was time to let it all out.

As we arrived, Addison still looked confused. The location looked like a warehouse from the outside and she was still lost as to where we were going. I held her hand as I directed her inside, meeting the male who I had spoken with over the phone. He set up the activity for us and had made sure we would have a great experience.

She looked around to see many rooms, each filled with furniture. She looked at me with a confused look on her face as she asked me what we were doing. Mike who was helping us had currently gone to grab some paperwork, giving us a few minutes to ourselves. I smiled as I looked at her and began to explain what our afternoon would consist of.

"We get to break stuff here. All types of furniture, glass, paintings.. I wanted to bring you here because I know you've been through so much and often keep it in. But that's not healthy.. I want you to let it all out baby, and I thought this was the perfect way to do so!" I explained, smiling. With all of the pain and anger that had accumulated with Addison, she was still expected to be this perfect individual. She wasn't allowed to take a second to process things very often which is why I wanted to do this for her.

"I want you to break the shit out of everything. I want you to scream at the top of your lungs Addison and let it all out.. the anger, the pain, the sadness. All of it. I want you to be able to start over, and I want to be around for this new chapter in your life." I told her as I kissed her. I knew Addison was strong, even with everything she had gone through, she still managed to be this amazing person and mother. But everybody had their moments of weakness and I wanted to make sure this didn't bring her down, I wanted it to make her stronger. I would always support Addison and be her biggest cheerleader, but I wanted her to be her own biggest supporter as well.

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