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~ addison pov

"What's going on Bryce?" I asked him, attempting to make eye contact which he was obviously avoiding. His silence began to scare me and I didn't know what to expect. I soon heard my own phone began to blow up by my bag on the other side of the room. I turned to it in an attempt to grab it when I was stopped by Bryce.

"I have to tell you something.. okay.." he told me, pleading me to not grab my phone yet.

"What Bryce.. you're scaring me.." My thoughts went to Jacob, thinking of how that could've possibly been leaked. He sighed as he sat us both down on his bed. He took a deep breath before beginning to speak.. and what he said is something I never expected to have to hear. It broke my heart, not for me, but for my best friend.

"Griffin just got exposed on social media for cheating on Dixie.."

My eyes widened and I froze. I felt my heart drop and my thoughts go directly to Dixie. How could this have happened.. how could Griffin do such a thing and when.. they seemed so happy. He seemed to be so good to her and still managed to go out and be a complete pig. I stood up and felt disgusted. I felt disgusted to even be associated with an individual who could do that to someone so kind. I didn't even respond to him, I ran right to my phone to see who had been calling me.. Dixie.

I grabbed all of my stuff, preparing myself to leave as I knew I had to be by her side in this moment. I could only imagine the pain she was currently feeling.. I had felt it multiple times with my cheating ex. It was a pain that broke me and I knew only the worst was coming for Dixie. When it happened to me, I felt worthless, I felt like I wasn't good enough for him, for him to have to go find entertainment with another girl. But I had to learn that his cheating was never my fault, it spoke volumes about him as a person, but not me. And the same would happen with Dixie, she would have to work through these feelings and stay strong.

As I walked towards his door, Bryce stopped me, asking to please talk to him. "babe.. please.." he pleaded with me. I wasn't mad at him.. no.. maybe I was. He knew about this and he kept it a secret. He would see Griffin and Dixie and still not care to say something to her and spare her the heartbreak and embarrassment.

"Babe, it's really not what all of these pages are going to say. I need to explain this to you.." He said, but I honestly didn't even want to hear it.

He grabbed my hand and turned me towards him. "I'll let you go.. but please Addi.. I don't want something like this to get in between us." He said. I was mad now but I knew I couldn't let it, it wasn't fair for him to have to deal with the consequences of his friend's actions.

I sighed as I nodded and hugged him. As he held me in his arms, I couldn't help but think of him covering for his friend. I understood guy code or at least tried to. But I found this unacceptable.. each of these guys watched Dixie as she would come over constantly and had no respect as to even warn her about what was going on. "Why didn't you say anything earlier??" I asked him, not willing to leave without a conversation.

"What do you mean?"

"You knew he cheated.. obviously.. why didn't you find it in you to speak up and say something? how could you see Dixie and just lie to her face.." I asked him with anger in my voice. I wasn't okay with this and I didn't want him to think what he did.. what all of these boys did was okay.

"It was none of my business Addi.. it wasn't my business to spill."

"I get that.. but it's still wrong. You could've at least encouraged Griffin to say something.." Even just thinking of him made me angry at the moment. He clearly didn't even deserve Dixie, she was too good for him. She was so selfless and loving, she loved that boy and would do anything for him. But he was too selfish and stupid to ever realize the prize possession that he had and lost.

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