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~ bryce pov

"I know we've been so caught up in other things, specifically our girls, children for some of us.." Josh said, looking at me and chuckling. "..but let's not forget, SATURDAYS ARE FOR THE BOYS. CHEERS TO THE FUCKING WEEK. I love you guys, you are all my brothers for life and I can't wait to fuck shit up this week like the good old times." He yelled, all of us yelling right back and cheering before we chugged our white claws.

We had been in a car all day, but had finally arrived to Texas. It was nighttime already, but tonight would be a banger as it was our first night in town. The guys wanted to go out to a bar for some drinks and a good time. As we all finished chugging a couple of more drinks, we dispersed to grab our bags and find ours rooms.

I would be rooming with Josh for the week. I put my stuff down and laid on the bed, taking out my phone to call Addison. I decided to facetime her, smiling as I saw her dashing smile once she answered. "Hi baby!" I said, waving at her and seeing Jacob laying on her.

"Hey baby, Jacob has been up wanting to see you before going to bed!" She said cutely. I could see how sleepy my little man was but it was cute that he stayed up for me. He sat up, rubbing his eyes but waving at me. "Hi daddy, where are you? I miss you!" he said, warming my heart. God I already missed them too.

"I'm with your uncles in Texas!" I said, Josh peaking up behind me to say hi to him. I spoke to Jacob for a bit before Addison put him to bed. "He couldn't stop asking about you all day, so I let him stay up to be able to talk to you." she said, walking back to her room and laying down. I wish I could be laying down next to her right now, cuddling her in my arms.

"How was the ride?" She asked me. I sighed, telling her that it felt like the longest trip ever, but it was nice to finally be here. "We're gonna be heading out soon to a bar I believe." I said, Addison reminding me to behave. I chuckled, assuring her that she had nothing to worry about. "What could you ever be worried about, you know you are the only girl I desire and will ever love." I said, making her smile.

"I love you, thank you for that. But I'm not even worried about girls. I'm more worried about how crazy you guys can get." She said. She knew us so well. We had all settled down over the past few months, minimizing the party and drinking.. but that would all be coming back during this trip. "I'll be good baby." I said, smiling at her before Josh interrupted us.

"I love seeing you Addison, but I need to pull my man away. We're heading out!" He said, pulling me up from the bed. I frowned at my girl, seeing her pout. "I'll call you tomorrow!" I promised her. "I love you." I said, telling her again that she really had nothing to worry about. Addison nodded as she told me how much she loved me as well before hanging up.

I sighed, putting my phone away and jumping on a bus to head out. All of the guys had drinks in their hand already while some had blunts as well. I grabbed a drink, while taking some of Jaden's weed. It was a quick trip to the bar, all of us jumping out and walking in.

We got our own table in the corner, ordering bottle service and taking many shots. I felt the buzz coming upon me as I had to sit down for a bit. It was a good night, a freaking great night. There were amazing vibes here, all of us enjoying the place and the company as we had met some great people. Some of the guys were talking to girls, well the single ones. I had turned them all down, making it known that I had a girl waiting for me at home.

As I sat down, I pulled out my phone, seeing some pictures of Addison on my instagram feed which made me smile. I knew it was late, but I wanted to send her a message anyways to let her know I was thinking about her.

Even while in Texas, I can't get you out of my mind. Can't wait to come back to you.

I sent it before Blake came over to me, putting his arm around me. "Man, are you having fun?? Stop texting Addi, she will still be there when we get back!" He said, pulling my phone out of my hand. I chuckled, assuring him that I was enjoying myself. "I saw you texting Amelie as well, don't front." I said, teasing him. As much as these boys liked to talk about me, I wasn't the only simp here.

"I miss her. But we needed this trip man, I love you guys and am excited to spend it with you!" He said, pulling me up so we could take more shots. At this point, our party had grown to over twenty of us. Everyone attracted to our table and we had bought a round of shots for our new friends. I looked around, seeing more strangers than my boys, but going with the flow anyways. We continued to ingest alcohol, and before I knew it, I was waking up in my bed with Josh on the couch.

I threw a pillow at him to wake him up, Josh rolling over and grunting. The time read 1pm, it was clear that we had just knocked out as soon as we got back but I had barely any memories of the night. "Bro, how the fuck did we even get back last night." I asked, Josh shrugging and holding his head.

I stood up to go search for some advil, my head feeling like it was going to explode. I barely walked out of the room when I saw a couple of girls roaming the halls. My eyes widened, wondering who had brought someone back. I went back into my room, questioning Josh as to what had happened last night.

"I don't even fucking know." he said, sitting up.

"There are a whole bunch of girls downstairs." I said, Josh chuckling. "They were all chasing Tayler, Nate and Griffin last night." he said, assuring me that I didn't do anything stupid. Thank God. I reached for my phone to see a couple of cute messages from Addi which made me smile. Of course I didn't do anything stupid, how could I when I had this prize possession at home.

~ addison pov

"Mommy, you said we could call daddy!!" I heard Jacob say, frowning. I chuckled as I sat next to him, pushing the plate of pancakes towards him. "I said we could once you ate your breakfast!" I said, reminding him. He frowned but proceeded to eat, clearly wanting to speak to Bryce.

As I scrolled through my feed, I could see videos of last night. It was obvious these boys had all gotten plastered. I had woken up to a cute message from Bryce though which brought a smile to my face. It was nice to know that even when he was out, he was thinking of me because I was surely always thinking about him. I sent him a couple of messages back, but I wasn't sure if he was awake yet.

Jacob finished his food quick though, wanting to speak to Bryce. "Mommy I am done!! Can we call daddy nowwwww???" he asked, dragging his last word. I giggled as I nodded and grabbed him from his high chair, taking him to the couch so we could call Bryce. I put him down and took out my phone to call him, hoping he wasn't still drunk when answering the phone.

The phone rang a couple of times before Bryce picked up. I saw a tired Bryce who had clearly had a long night. I chuckled, knowing he was hungover. He gave us a light smile as he greeted us. "Daddy!!" Jacob yelled, immediately telling him how much he missed him. Bryce's smile grew when he heard Jacob's voice, telling him that he missed him too.

"Are you taking care of mommy?" Bryce asked him, Jacob nodding and telling him about how we were going to the park today with Aunt Mads. They spoke a bit longer before Lucas came looking for Jacob and he went to play with him.

I laid down on the couch and stared at Bryce, asking him how his night went. He told me all about how he lost count of how many shots they took, but that it was overall a really fun night. "It looked fun, I loved waking up to your message this morning babe." I said, slightly blushing.

He grinned, "I wish you were here." he said, telling me about how we had to take a vacation of our own soon. I nodded, it wasn't often that Bryce and I got time alone to ourselves. "We can plan it when you get back, just please get back to me in one piece." I joked, making Bryce laugh. Getting the Sway boys to stay out of trouble was a challenge, but I believed in them.

"I'll be back to you soon enough baby. I have to go though, I'm starving." he said as he stood up and began to walk out of his room. He walked downstairs and towards the kitchen; and I soon heard voices in the background, many from the guys, but I also heard females. I nodded, not wanting to ask too many questions. You trust Bryce. I reminded myself, I didn't have to question him.

"I love you." I said, hearing him say it back before he hung up. I sighed, dropping my phone and laying down for a bit. I truly hoped that they all behaved this week. There wasn't any world in which I could think of any of these guys cheating, or I at least hoped for that.  For the sake of all of us girls, we didn't need any of the guys fucking up in Texas.

** AHHH HAPPY BRADDISON DAY. I will be updating my other story today and I will try to post a second chapter for this story as well. Seeing so many edits makes my heart happy, they are really meant for one another and I hope they find their way back to each other soon!! ❤️ 

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