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~ addison pov

Bryce opened the door for us as we walked outside, everyone being exactly on cue to yell for Jacob. He now finally removed his head from my neck to see what we had set up for him. His face lit up, a genuine smile finally forming on my face as I saw how happy my little boy was. He jumped within my arms and yelled as he saw the games, bouncy houses and stations of candy set up for him. The theme of spider-man was cutely brought together with every table and area set up for kids.

We went around to every table to greet people and thank them for coming. As we walked up to the boys, Jacob excitedly jumped into Josh's arms. "Hey buddy, happy birthday!!" he said as he hugged him. Jacob was so happy to see them and jumped between all of them. He then saw Dixie who hugged him tightly, she loved him so much and it was obvious. As she passed him on to Charli, she then walked towards me and hugged me as well.

"How are you doing?" She asked me, both of us knowing that she was referring to the fact that my ex was here. "I'm doing okay, today is Jacob's day, I won't let anyone taint this day." I said, including Keith. She smiled at me, telling me how strong I was and how proud of me she was. I hugged her once again, telling her that I would come back once we were done greeting everyone. She nodded as she let me go and we continued, Bryce now being the one to hold Jacob.

When we finally finished, we let Jacob jump into the bouncy house. That was the first spot he wanted to hit. Bryce went in with him for a bit before he saw Keith walking up to me. "Addison, hello, we should talk." he said. I looked up at him and smiled, kindly denying his request. I had no desire to speak to him in the middle of a kids birthday party.

"Addison, don't be a child. We have a lot to discuss." I laughed as I looked at him, "Don't you get it? There is nothing to talk about. You don't get to leave us and come back whenever you would like to Keith, that's not how things work." I said.

I felt Bryce walk up behind me, his arm wrapping around my waist as he pulled me into him and asked me if everything was okay. We both heard Keith laugh, letting us know that I didn't need a bodyguard. "This is between Addison and I.. last time I checked, you weren't there when we made OUR child." He said with a smirk on his face. He loved the fact that he could throw that in his face, that he was ultimately Jacob's father.. but that meant nothing to me.

Bryce chuckled at Keith's statement, "If Addison felt comfortable speaking to you alone, it'd a different story, but she doesn't so I'll stay right here." he said, holding his ground. I must admit, it was kind of hot. Bryce was extremely protective and I wasn't complaining, but this totally pissed Keith off. He saw that I had moved on and that I was actually happy.. something that he never made me.

He took a step forward, trying to step up to Bryce as he spoke. "I know you're playing house while I'm gone but don't forget whose boss." he said. Keith continued to try to antagonize him, obviously trying to pick a fight but I held onto Bryce's hand, squeezing it to let him know that I was here and it wasn't worth it.

Keith hadn't matured and it showed. He was embarrassing himself even showing up, but he of course had to do this as well. Bryce took a step towards him as well, but still held onto my hand as he spoke to him. "I promise if we were on the streets, I would've handled your sorry ass a long time ago. But we're at a child's party and I respect my girl too much to start a petty fight. If you knew what was good for you though, you would stay away, I'm not playing your fucking games."

"Don't be pussy, you don't care about shit.. fight me."

Bryce smirked as he saw what a fool Keith was. He was learning for himself that he was nothing but a joke. "I'm not gonna fight you bro, I'm not. There's nothing worth fighting you for. You may think you're the boss but I have what you stupidly lost months ago. I will however demand that you respect this woman right here. It's the least she deserves when she's the one raising your child."

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