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~ bryce pov

Waking up drunk at this point was a regular in Texas. I had lost track of the days, but I looked at my phone to see that it was Thursday. We had two more days before heading back and the boys wanted to keep the party going. We would be having a pool party today, while having a house party tomorrow night as our final goodbye.

We had made a couple of friends during our time here and had also been able to meet many of Blake's friends. They were all invited to our pool party as were a couple of random others. I woke up to the smell of weed, instead of eggs and bacon, seeing Josh and Jaden smoking. I passed by everyone, minding my business as I needed to cook some breakfast before partaking in any activities.

These last few days had been a blur. I wanted to relax on the drinking today, but the continuation of parties made that difficult. I sat at the dinner table with my breakfast as I looked through my phone. I hadn't spoken to Addison for the past two days besides the small amount of texts we have sent back and forth. I missed her, but I didn't want to call her drunk and have Jacob see me in that state. But this morning, I really just needed to hear her voice.

I put on my glasses before facetiming them, immediately seeing Jacob pick up. He had a huge smile on his face, telling me that he has missed me. I felt guilt, knowing that I should had found the time to call these last few days.. that was my fault that I didn't.

I spoke to Jacob for a bit before asking to speak to Addison. She pulled the phone up to her as she gave me a small smile. "Hey.." she said with low energy and I could immediately tell that something was bothering her. "Hey babe, how are you?" I asked, but Addison kept her answers short. I sighed as I apologized for not being able to call her recently. I knew her mind must be going crazy, and her thoughts must be wondering what I was doing. Me ghosting on her wasn't helping that.

"I've just been drinking so much and I didn't want to speak to Jacob in that state.. or you, to be honest." I said, but Addison wasn't taking the excuse. She wasn't making a big deal though either, because that was just the kind of girl that she was.. but I knew she was hurt.

As we spoke, some of our guests began to arrive. I put my dishes away after cleaning them and walked out to see many girls in our living room. They waved at me, saying hi and introducing themselves. I gave them a fake smile as I rushed my way upstairs to be able to speak to Addison. "Sorry about that, we're having a pool party today and some of our guests are here already." I said as I threw myself on my bed.

She raised her eyebrow as she looked at me, "Pool party, nice."

Her tone was cold and I knew she was upset. "What's wrong Addison, can you just speak to me about it? Did I do something wrong?" I asked, wanting to be able to talk it out if I did. I could guess what was the reason for her attitude, but I didn't want to have to play these games with her. If something was bothering her, I wanted to squash it now before it got worse.

"Nothing is wrong. You're out there enjoying your time with your pool parties and girls, while I am home waiting to hear from you just to know that you are okay.. that we are okay.. but nothing is wrong." She said in a sarcastic tone. I was taken a back a bit by her response. The jealousy really jumped out and it wasn't something that I was attracted to. I had assured Addison many times that I would never cheat on her, but it seemed like that wasn't enough.

"Do you not trust me?" I asked her blatantly. I didn't know how many more times I had to tell her everything would be fine before she believed me. At home, I spent every living second with her and Jacob, but the second I leave.. it is an issue.

"I never said I didn't-"

"Well it seems like you don't, Addison."

She sighed, apologizing and telling me that she didn't want to fight with me. "I just miss you okay. I miss having you home with me and I am just emotionally exhausted.. I don't want to worry. And I do trust you, but it also doesn't feel great to know that you have random girls over."

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