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~ addison pov

We stood in silence as we waited for the uber I had just ordered. Bryce and I fought for a bit as to who was going to order it, but I won, I mean.. I wasn't going to take no for an answer, I was the one who caused all of this anyways.

I looked back at my phone, seeing that the uber was still five minutes away. I sighed as I turned it off and put it back in my bag. He looked over at me from the step he was sitting on before asking why I was in such a rush. "I'm not" I said with a fake smile. He glared at me, taking my lie without fighting back.

I sat next to him and intertwined my arm with his to grab his attention. "I'm sorry.." I whispered. I had ruined the night with no explanation to give. I felt so bad, he had been so nice to me all night and was still being nice, even with the way I was acting. Every part of me wished I could tell him about Jacob so he could understand, but right now was not the moment.

"You don't have to apologize Addison, I'm just trying to understand you though.. but I have to admit, I'm lost." He said, making me frown. He sounded defeated, sounding as if tonight led us nowhere pertaining to our relationship. I had so much fun with him tonight and I wished it could continue. I didn't want him to feel as though I was stressed about going home because I wanted to end the night early with him, because it definitely wasn't that.

"I can't speak on it now, but there's so much for you to know to get to know me.." I said, looking into his eyes. I brought my hand to his cheek as I softly caressed it before moving up to him to give him a soft kiss. Bryce had opened up to me today and told me he wanted to get to know me, but we would have to take baby steps. I wanted to share everything with him, but I needed him to have patience with me. I needed to know how real this relationship could be before completely opening up to him.

"I'm listening Addison.. and if you want to wait, I will be patient as well. I meant it when I said I liked you." He said with pure honesty. I blushed, not knowing how to respond, but in that moment our uber arrived. He helped me up and into the car, as the uber drove off. I rested my head on his shoulder as we held hands. "You didn't have to come, you know?" I told him. I felt bad that I had dragged out his night with him taking me home.

"It's no big deal Addi.. I just wanted to make sure you got home safe." He said in a slight whisper, kissing my forehead. I smiled to myself as I closed my eyes, Bryce was a dream.. a complete dream. He was extremely caring and just such a gentleman, I had never experienced a man like him.

When we arrived to my home, we both got out of the car. Bryce asked the uber to wait for a bit, stating that he would need a ride back to his house. The guy nodded, waiting patiently as Bryce walked me to my door. "Here we are Cinderella, sorry that it's past midnight." he said jokingly.

I giggled as I shook my head. I wrapped my arms around his neck to give him a hug. When I pulled away, my arms remained around his neck to now pull him in for a kiss. We stayed close to one another as I rested my forehead on his, our eyes remaining on one another. "Thank you for riding with me Bryce.." I whispered, genuinely appreciative, I hated taking ubers this late alone and it meant a lot that Bryce cared enough to take the trip with me.

"Anything for you." he said in a cute tone before kissing me once again. We pulled away as Bryce was reminded of the uber waiting for him. "I should head out." he said with sadness in his voice. I frowned, but nodded, knowing I had to let him go. I stood at the door as I watched him leave and walked inside.

I walked to Jacob's room, watching him sleep like a little angel. I kissed his forehead, careful enough not to wake him up as I whispered "I love you." I always promised myself this little man would be my priority, no matter what I had going on. I felt bad going out knowing I was leaving him behind but I was still so young.. as my mother always told me, I still deserved to live my own life as well. I sighed as I looked at him one more time before walking to my own room. Everything would turn out okay.. I showered and changed into my pajamas as I got comfortable in bed. I picked up my phone to message Bryce before going to sleep.

Getting to Know You // BraddisonWhere stories live. Discover now