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~ bryce pov

A couple of days passed, which then turned into weeks of Addison's legal issues. Keith and her were unable to settle anything, but Keith was being called back for military leave. He was going to be shipped to another country, and if he didn't care about Jacob while being in the same state, we knew he wouldn't care being thousands of miles away.

He gave Addison a warning of his leave, letting her know that he wasn't sure when he would be able to return. He asked for a day with Jacob before having to leave and Addison couldn't find it in her to say no. Although she was scared to do so, she knew Debra would be around who he was at least familiar with.

I was with my boys the morning that she handed Jacob over, but I knew she would call me a nervous wreck, and she did. I could hear it in her voice that she had shed a couple of tears. She let me know that Jacob had cried when she left him, I could only imagine how hard it was for her to leave him with them but I was proud of her for being so mature and doing the right thing. They were still technically his family and it wasn't right for Addison to not give them a chance, even if they didn't deserve it.

"They also asked if we would go to dinner with them tonight.." she mentioned, catching me off guard. I asked her if she was sure they wanted me there as well, Addison saying yes. I thought it was a bit weird but maybe this would be our time to sept things. I knew Addison would go and I wouldn't let her go alone, so I let her know I would pick her up at 6 before the dinner.

As I hung up, I began my day with the boys as we completed our daily workout. We lifted weights and took our protein shakes, finishing it off by walking our dogs.. yes plural, apparently all of the boys wanted to get puppies to satisfy their girls' baby fever. But this only made me want to get a puppy of my own, maybe even get one for Jacob, but Addison would totally kill me if I did.

I spoke to Jaden about Keith as he asked me if I really thought it was a good idea to join them for dinner tonight. Good idea or not, I wasn't letting Addison go by herself. I knew Keith hated me, he hadn't said one word to me since the day he learned Jacob began calling me Dad. I couldn't blame him, I knew that must had hurt his ego but it was his choice to be such a shitty father.

He had been in contact with Addison though and I had let her handle that on her own because it really wasn't any of my business. But I knew most of it had been bad. He made a lot of threats and even got a letter sent from his lawyer to her about attending mediation, where they could settle the custody of Jacob. But that didn't go well either, none of them being able to see eye-to-eye on anything.

The next step was to go to court, but with Keith now being sent on leave, it was a mystery what would happen with the case. I hoped for Addison's sake that things would remain the same. It wasn't that we didn't want Keith to have a chance of being Jacob's father, we just didn't want him to half-ass it and hurt Jacob in the process. Even with the weeks that have passed, he hasn't shown much desire to build a genuine relationship with him. Jacob still saw him as a stranger and we didn't feel comfortable having him under his care or Debra's.

"It's just something I want to be there for, for her.. and I guess since they invited me, I should figure out why." I stated to Jaden. Addison saying they asked her to bring me was strange, but there had to be a reason for it. Whatever it was, I hoped it wouldn't turn into an argument. It was time we all began acting like the adults we were.

I hung with my boys for the day, distracting myself so I didn't think too much about the dinner. But as the day passed us and it was 5, I jumped in the shower and got ready for the dinner. I put on a nice outfit consisting of pants and a long-sleeve shirt with a belt. I said my goodbyes to the boys who were mostly off with their girls by now. As I walked out, I called Addison to let her know I'd be picking her up soon. I brought a change of clothes with me, knowing I'd probably stay over tonight.. whether tonight went in a positive or negative direction, I wanted to be there for Addison after the dinner.

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