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~ bryce pov

"Yes, we will be there shortly, she is just getting Jacob ready." Mads and I were planning a celebration for the recent news that Addison and I had received. We had shared the news with our family and friends last week, but Mads wanted to throw a small party for her. All of the closest people to us were at her home right now, including my mother who had flown out just for this.

"Okay, let me know when you guys are close - and don't forget the overnight bag!" She told me, also wanting us to sleep over. I hung up as Addison walked into the room. I smiled at her as she thought we were just going to casually visit Mads, but she would be pleasantly surprised. "All ready!" she said as she held Jacob in her arms.

We walked out towards my car, safely placing Jacob in his car seat before heading out. I rested my hand on Addison's thigh as I drove. "Wanna call Mads and tell her we're close by?" I asked her, giving her a sweet smile. She looked at me, a bit confused but nodded and did as I asked.

As I pulled up to her home, I distracted her with conversation, hoping she wouldn't notice any of our friends' cars parked on her street. She thankfully didn't, or at least didn't mention it. Once we were parked, I took out Jacob, letting him stand on his own. He ran up to Mads' door, getting on his toes to ring the doorbell. It always impressed the hell out of me when he was able to do that, it was so darn cute.

I held Addison's hand as I led her to the door, smiling at her. "I love you." I said, giving her a kiss before the door was opened. As she walked inside, all of our friends jumped out at her, screaming "Surprise!" She covered her mouth as she didn't expect it, tears immediately forming in her eyes. That had been happening a lot recently, the hormones were really kicking in.

"Guys!!!" She yelled, thanking everyone for the surprise. She pulled Mads into a hug, as she told her how much she appreciated her. Mads was the one who accompanied her to her first appointment and was the first friend she told when she found out she was pregnant. They had built an amazing friendship which made me happy, Mads was an amazing girl.

She then came up to me, kissing me. "Did you like it?" I asked, referring to her surprise. She nodded, telling me how happy she was to be able to share this moment with all of the closest people to her. I smiled, telling her that this was only the beginning.

I held her hand and pulled her deeper inside the house, searching for my mother. As I laid eyes on her, I saw that she was accompanied by Addison's parents. I smiled, seeing that they were already getting along. With my mother living out-of-state, she had never formally met Addison in person. We hadn't found the time to go visit her together, but they spoke on the phone all of the time.

We walked up to them, my mother immediately giving me a hug. She had tears in her eyes when she pulled Addison in for a hug as well. Her crying only made Addison tear up as well. "I don't mean to cry, but I am just so proud of you son and the man you have become. I am very excited for you two and to become a grandmother!" She said, making me about to tear up as well. I loved my mother so much and there wasn't anything I wouldn't do for her. She raised me all on her own after throwing my father in jail due to abuse. She was the strongest woman and I admired her beyond words.

"Thank you Lisa, it is great to finally meet you. You raised the most amazing man." Addison said, smiling at me. My mother couldn't stop smiling as she looked at us, telling her that she never thought she would see me so in love. Addison blushed, teasing as she told her I fell easily. She wasn't completely lying.. Addison caught my attention very early on and she's had it ever since.

"You have a beautiful family as well. You have all been so welcoming and accepting, thank you for that." My mother said, referring to Addison's parents. It was actually really nice to see them together. Addison and I were building our own little family, but it was important to us that our own families got along as well.

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