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~ addison pov

"Addison.. you have to tell him.." Dixie pleaded with me as we had just sat down to sit lunch at a cafe. I sighed as she had been asking this of me for the past three days now. Two weeks had passed since our initial date and Bryce and I were doing great. We had gone out a couple of more times, but we mostly hung out at his place with the boys. I was beginning to like him a lot.. but I still had this huge secret that I had to share with him.

"I know Dixie.. I know.. I just - how do I even begin to tell him?" I asked, frowning. Any time I even thought of this, I began to feel anxiety. This was a huge step for us even if Bryce didn't know it. I didn't tell many people about Jacob but I cared too much about Bryce to continue to hide this from him. I knew I had to tell him soon and I would. I had to be honest with him before things went any further and hope he would still choose to stick around.

"He isn't going anywhere Addi.. he likes you too much!! And he will like Jacob just as much!" she said as she rambled on about how cute Jacob was. I giggled as I agreed, how could anyone turn down my baby boy.

"Okay.. I'm gonna do it. This Saturday!!" I said with confidence in my voice.. fake it till you make it baby. But I hoped to continue to have this confidence once Saturday actually rolled around. Whether I was prepared or not, it was going to happen.

"This Saturday, yeah??" She asked as I nodded. She squealed, telling me she couldn't wait for me to finally tell him. "You're gonna feel so relieved after, you just wait, you will be so happy!!" She reassured me that I was making the right choice and to only think about how great it would be. I could finally share the best part of me with him. I had been waiting for this for a while now, I knew Jacob and him would get along just great. I just wasn't sure if my heart was ready for the cuteness overload yet.

"Okay Saturday, yay!!" Dixie repeated, hyping me up. She was so supportive all of the time but I'm glad she called me out on things like this. I knew that I had to tell Bryce and I had been holding it off for too long. Dixie was friends with him as well and really just wanted the best for us both. She knew holding it in for longer would only be worse.. so Saturday it was.


"Mine!!" Bryce yelled as he opened his house door and ran inside with my cookie in his hand. I frowned as I ran after him to try to grab it from him. "Bryce!!" I whined. He stopped and looked back at me with a pouty face as he mocked me. He broke into laughter before pulling me into a hug and apologizing. I rolled my eyes before he gave me my cookie back and put a smile back on my face.

"Happy Addi is back.." He chuckled as he jumped up on the kitchen counter and pulled me in between his legs. "A cookie is really all it takes.." He joked, laughing, I shrugged because it was true. I grinned with content as I ate my cookie and leaned on him. We had just returned from having dinner, but I had made him stop for some snacks on the way back. We were going to have a movie night tonight just us, which demanded a variety of snacks.

The plan was to have a laid back Saturday night. My mother had told me she would take care of Jacob tonight and to not worry. I had even brought a bag over in case I wanted to stay the night.. but we would see how the night would unfold before making that decision. Tonight was the anticipated night, we had a very important conversation we needed to have and no matter how scared I was, it had to happen. No turning back now.

We hung in silence for a bit as I finished eating my cookie and looked around to an empty house, it was way too quiet for any of the boys to be here. "Where are the boys?" I asked him, looking up at him. "I think Jaden is here with Mads somewhere, but I think the others went out for dinner. I don't know what their plans are and I don't care.." he said shrugging and pulling me closer. ".. I'm gonna be staying in with my baby anyways." He said sweetly as he kissed me. 

I blushed and hugged him, comfortably leaning on him but wanting to move this to his room. "Can we go to your room?" I asked him, wanting to change into sweats already and just lay in his arms. He nodded before kissing my forehead and leading me to his bedroom. We both got changed before jumping into his bed with all of our snacks around. I scrolled through Netflix while Bryce began to eat all of the chocolate we had purchased.

"Leave me some.." I asked frowning.

"You're gonna have to be a lot more convincing than that.." he said smirking. I dropped the remote and jumped on top of him as I tried to grab the chocolate from his hands. "That's a start but not quiet there yet." He winked at me as I stopped going for the chocolate. He rested his free hand on my lower back as he softly pushed me down towards him. I knew exactly what he wanted this to lead to.. and I didn't mind..

Bryce and I hadn't really been intimate yet, but the sexual tension between us had only been building up in the past few weeks. It was clear that we both wanted each other but I had been wanting to take things slow and he respected that. But it was getting tougher for me to resist him.

"Try again.." he whispered seductively as our lips were only inches away from one another. I felt his breath on me, his words giving me a rush of adrenaline. I didn't even want the chocolate anymore, I only wanted him. I pushed my lips against his while also pushing my body down on him. I knew I was wearing a hoodie but that wasn't the only thing making me hot at the moment. I heard the chocolate hit the floor as his hands found their home on my body. He pushed his pelvis up against me as he invited me to move with him to his motions. I followed his lead while passionately kissing him and running my hands through his hair. I moaned into our kiss as I felt his hands now under my hoodie, leaving a trail from my upper back down to my butt. I began to lose myself in him before his phone began to blow up.

"What the fuck Bryce.." I groaned annoyed. He rolled his eyes as he threw his phone from the bed to the couch nearby without even caring to look at it. He brought me back down to him to resume where we were, now kissing down my neck. He knew exactly where my soft spot was, making me bite my lip so I wouldn't let another moan escape.


I jumped off of him as Blake stormed into the room and we heard him scream for Bryce. He stopped at the door as he widened his eyes realizing what he had interrupted, and immediately apologized. He proceeded to close the door a bit so he didn't have to face us, but not fully as he clearly had to tell Bryce something. "Guys.. I.. uh, I am so sorry." Bryce groaned while I pulled my hoodie up to my face to cover it from the embarrassment. He sat up and asked Blake what he wanted, the annoyance in his voice clearly showing.

"Uhh.. just um, check your phone when you can.. it's urgent buddy.." he said before he slammed the door shut.

"Nice.." i whispered under my breath, crossing my arms across my chest. There goes that.. nice one Blake, nice to know that the boys were back. He frowned as he pulled my face up to him and gave me one more sweet kiss. "Give me two seconds, yeah?" he said, walking over to the couch to grab his phone and laying right back down next to me. This better be important Bryce Hall.

I went back to scrolling through Netflix as Bryce checked his phone. I was over anything happening tonight already and focused my energy on trying to choose a good movie. I heard him curse under his breath but I didn't want to ask and be nosey. However, something had clearly happened with the boys. I tried to look for my own phone but stopped once I didn't see it around. Whatever it was, it was probably already on some tea sites, but I decided to just stay put and wait for him.

"Addi.. um.." He looked over at me, scratching his head. It was clear that he had something to say but he just didn't know how to. I sat up as I looked at him, awaiting for him to say something but words didn't escape his mouth.

"Bryce, what??" I asked, still nothing..

I began to freak out, what was going on. Something was clearly going on with them.. did they find out about Jacob? there was no way.. how could they. And if they did.. if Bryce knew and he hadn't heard it from me, there was no recovering from this. He could never find it in him to forgive me for it.. 

** i'm actually really enjoying writing this story, so I can't wait to continue with it. I KNOW I'VE MADE YOU GUYS WAIT SO MUCH W ADDI FINALLY TELLING BRYCE. So I'm gonna post another chapter by tonight, promise 💞💞 

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