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~ addison pov

"you.. what?" Bryce turned around to face me, with a shocked expression being shown on his face. I instantly regretted what I had said the moment I said it, but I didn't know what to do. I panicked, I didn't want Bryce to leave me.

"I..I.." I was the one now panicking, not knowing exactly what to say. I took a deep breath as I sat down on my bed. Bryce was still paused at the door waiting for me to speak. "I might be pregnant Bryce.. I won't know for certain until the end of the week but my birth control hasn't been working these past few months." I said, looking up at him to see his reaction.

His eyes widened as he was taking in what I was saying. He opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. "Please say something.. anything.." I asked him, my voice breaking. He moved closer to me and just pulled me into his arms, tears instantly beginning to fall down my face. I buried my face in his shoulder and fell apart in his arms.

"It's okay Addison.." he whispered, rubbing my back as he comforted me. I shook my head as I pulled away. "It's not okay.. you want to leave. and I don't want you to feel forced to stay with me only because I may be pregnant." I said, knowing where Bryce stood two minutes ago. I understood where he was coming from, but he was wrong. I didn't ever think that he wasn't enough and I didn't care if other people believed that. I knew how Bryce made me feel and that was more than enough.

"Don't say that.. I love you Addison, and I know you are my person. I just want what is best for you right now and with everything going on, I don't know if that is me." I shook my head, telling him that it would hurt me more to not have him in my life. "Why can't you let me decide if I think you are enough?" I asked him, holding onto his hands.

"Because if you ask me, you are more than enough. You have been such a positive light in my life and my sons' these past few months. Since the moment I met you, I knew you were different. I understand the pressure you feel but just think of us." I squeezed his hands as I maintained eye contact. "Think of all of our precious moments. Think about how you feel for me, because I know your feelings are strong. And then multiply that by 1000 because I am absolutely head over heels in love with you. I don't want to do life without you, I don't think I could.."

As I spoke, Bryce began to tear up. I inched closer to him and wiped his tears away for him. I knew he was in this state because he cared, he loved me. "I just.. growing up, I felt like I ruined everything. I was always the damaged person that everyone stayed away from because I was so toxic. You know when something feels like it is too good to be true? This is it.. I love you Addison and have enjoyed every moment with you. But I can't help but overthink things when everyone seems to believe I'm not good enough for you. And because of how much I love you, I'd be willing to let you go.. no matter how much it hurt me."

"But I don't want that.. do you hear me when I say I am happiest with you? I am just as damaged as you are. I know what a toxic relationship is, I was in one for five years.. and this is not that. We were meant for one another, we make each other better.. please don't end that." He pulled me into his arms once again, pulling me onto his lap.

"Please don't think that I don't want you because that isn't the case. I have always wanted you and always will. I love you and I never doubted us. I doubted myself I guess.. but I want to be with you. I want to make this work and I promise I will work on myself to be better for you. And if you are pregnant, we will get through it together.. it's okay baby." His words made my heart feel complete once again. I smiled as I pulled him into a kiss, hugging him.

"You don't have to improve yourself baby, I love you just as you are.." I whispered. Bryce wasn't the tough guy that everyone saw on social media, he was actually very soft.. especially when it came to me and the people he loved. He cared about what others said, but I wasn't going to let go of him that easily. Bryce was my soulmate, we were destined to be together.. he just needed to see that for himself.

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