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~ addison pov

I stood in the lot of the restaurant where we could avoid paparazzi as I watched Keith say goodbye to Jacob. Jacob didn't know it, but this was Keith's final goodbye and that made my heart break. As I watched Debra cry as she held him in her arms, I shed a few tears. Debra spoke to us as well, telling us that she admired us and the way we were able to raise Jacob. She thanked us and let us know she would love to still be in his life if we allowed her to. I couldn't deny her that, I couldn't even deny Keith if he still wished to see him when he was here.

As Bryce grabbed Jacob, he kissed me and let me know he would be waiting in the car. I nodded as I turned back to see Keith. He gave me a weak smile and I couldn't help but just fall into his arms. He held me close as he comforted me, "it's the end of an era for us.. but your life is only now starting." he whispered.

I pulled away as I wiped my tears and looked at him. "I'm sorry.." he began, "..I'm sorry for all of the pain I put you through Addison. I know I hurt you for years and this is my way of trying to make it up to you. I don't want to hold you back any longer, you were born to shine and I want you to do just that. You are the most beautiful person ever and I will never love anyone the way I have loved you. But you have found your match and I couldn't had built a better person for you if I tried."

This was the Keith I loved, the caring and thoughtful man who always put others first. This was the guy I was in love with for five years and it hurt to know our love story couldn't play through. But he was right, Bryce was my person and I went through everything I had to in life to find him. Everything with Keith was supposed to happen for us to reach this moment. I loved him and would love him forever, but not in the way that he wanted. This was him leaving us for the better and he couldn't had done it in a better way.

"Thank you Keith for everything.. you gave me so much in life and I wouldn't change a thing. You gave me Jacob, my biggest blessing in life. No matter what, he is yours and will always be yours. I appreciate all of this you are doing for us because it truly shows the kind of person you are and how much you care for him. We will always be here if you wish to return." I said before giving him one last hug. He smiled at me as he told me we wouldn't need of him, "you know how to handle your own, you always have." he said with a smile.

I pulled away from his arms as I took a deep breath and had to finally walk away from him. "Good luck!" I told him, knowing he was going to be leaving on his assignment.

I searched my purse for something, something special that I always kept with me. It was a bracelet that was given to Jacob when he was born. He wore it for a year before I continued to just hold it with me, so I felt like he was always close to me. I grabbed it and gave it to Keith. "Keep it with you, remember him, remember us." I said, putting it in his hand and closing it.

"Thank you.." he said, before he hugged me one last time and we finally began to walk away from one another. As I reached Bryce who stood outside of his car, I broke into tears in his arms. He comforted me without asking questions. I didn't love Keith in that way, but that still didn't mean I didn't care for him. Coming to this dinner, I could've never predicted this, but I guess it was truly for the best.

Bryce drove us home and silence roamed the car as nobody said a word. Jacob fell asleep on the ride home and Bryce carried him up to his room. I followed him as I tucked him into bed. I sat next to my son as I caressed his face and kissed his forehead. I watched him sleep peacefully as many of his features reminded me of Keith. I took a deep breath, realizing that he was actually gone.

Even though he had never even been around, this was permanent and real. It broke my heart knowing Jacob wouldn't be able to have a relationship with his father. But I knew he had Bryce and that was the only comforting thing about this situation. I knew Bryce wouldn't abandon him, he loved him as if he was his own and I was so grateful for that.

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