22• incomprehensible

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Then, he slid down your bed, brushing past you. You couldn't move an inch, he stood right behind you, smiling, liking the impact he had on you.

Before you could begin to slowly move yourself to face, his big hands covered your eyes. He brought his chin to your shoulder and slowly whispered into your ear, "My friends don't cry when I go away, Go to sleep now. "

Your heartbeat started racing and you smiled.

"Good Night Taehyungssi." You said, raising your hand to remove his hands from your face like it happened in the romance fictions. But before your palm could touch his skin, he swiftly removed his hand and put them in his pockets.

Taehyung shyed away a little, after that, he didn't meet your eyes as he said, "Good night."

He closed the door and left you alone to sleep.
Now the question arises that could you sleep?


You lay down on your bed thinking with your, now, conscious brain about the what had happened in the span of past two hours.

The only certain thing was that you felt better, you felt as if you had someone in this unknown land. You could say that Taehyung was your friend who certainly cared for you, who certainly didn't mind his thousand dollar t-shirt getting soaked in your tears.

He didn't mind you, talking about your pain. You hadn't been loved this way, never, only by your father, after he was gone, your mother seemingly had lost the ability to love naturally, all of her love came to you in form of worries or advices.

He wiped your tears.

You had cried on his shoulder.

He had said kind words to you, that cheered you up, he was your friend.

You wanted to keep him safe, by your side for as long as it was possible to.

He reminded you of your father, he seemed to be an angel just like him, he was sweet like your father, he made you feel home.

"Thank you Taehyungssi, for saving me." You said before falling asleep.


Taehyung couldn't sleep the night, he was sleepy all day, his mind wandered to you, to his past and to repercussions of his past.

He felt at solace as he remembered your smile, that he had brought to your face after so much tears.

He remembered how you breathed and were so natural to him as you finally broke the walls that you had been holding at him.

He was glad that you had opened up to him but he also kept thinking of how he would answer your questions, about himself. He couldn't disclose himself to you.

He had drunk alot that day, even before his Music Bank performance, he didn't care, alcohol in his system was the key to keeping him functioning.

He managed to perform well and do a VLIVE prior to that which mentioned sweet night, he told the fans that the song was for the purpose of healing. And it was true that he wanted to heal everyone's wounds with his soft tunes. He wanted ARMYs to breathe confidence in bright sunshine and glow brighter than stars in the night. He wanted all of his fans to stay healthy and happy, for he owed everything to them. Taehyung didn't talk about previous night to anyone, he wanted to keep it to himself, he wanted to keep it sacred but then he thought that they deserved to know.

There were times when the members other than Jimin would ask him about your health, on normal days, he would say that he doesn't know or you're getting better, simply. After the day he had found out your identity, the boys hesitated to talk to him about you.

It was clear to them that he didn't like being teased about a half-Korean woman living in his house.

Jimin would talk to him freely and he would respond in annoyed tone but it was okay for Jimin, he had a high tolerance for Kim Taehyung.
Most of the days, the boys discussed their personal progress and upcoming events. They had fun, keeping their personal matters only things to be teasing eachother about. Everyone was living a peaceful life, only had Taehyung a bit of tide in life as you came, but the ocean was calm now.

"We became good friends yesterday." He told Namjoon, Jungkook and Jin, who were sitting in the room with him, relaxing, at the end of the day.

"Oh, what happened, that you're telling us this?" Namjoon asked, kindly.

Other two, raised their eyebrows.

"I let her listen to sweet night, and...um, how do I put it....we sorts of got lost in the melody? And I asked her something, which I regretted at first when she didn't respond, but then she opened up to me about her suffering." Taehyung said, speaking each word with even more care than he usually did.

All of them smiled.

"Did you see Byong Chul?" Jungkook asked.

"No, I think he's on a long leave" Jin said, emphasizing the words to add more meaning to them and others understood what he meant.

"Whatever, it doesn't matter anymore now, Taehyung, just don't lose yourself, keep your friendship strong with her." Namjoon said, before Jimin entered the room.

"Aish, whose friends with who? I thought Jungkook got dumped last week, friendzo-" Jimin began jumping to his own zone of conclusions.

"We thought we could be serious for more than five minutes and this guy jumped in, yeah" Jin said, laughing.


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