65• okay.

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You knew he had you under control now, his touch controlled you.

There was no point saying anything, nor you could. His touch on your breast made you squeeze your legs together.

He gasped once when his eyes met yours as if he had realised that he was really touching you and it was real, not a dream that had been lingering in his head for days.

"I love you, y/n" he said earnestly, holding your gaze as if pulling your soul into his, stirring your insides and making your heart race.

He had said simple words with softness in his eyes and you felt yourself melting into him. his eyes had possessed you.

Suddenly, all the love strings that seemed to have frozen for the past few days seemed to be melting away with the warmth in his eyes as he gently pressed his lips on yours.

He brushed and breathed into your mouth, without any pressure, simply cherishing what he had, while he could. He pushed your hips onto his and fluttered his eyes open when you bit his lip accidentally.

"I want to be cruel to you," you said, wrapping your arms around his neck.

He smiled widely and you knew everything in the world had become just right.

No matter how far you go, how hard you be to yourself, no matter how distant you get from him, no matter what he said, no matter how cruel his words sounded, no matter if he asked for your last breathe, no matter what difficulties come in your way,

you couldn't let anyone take his smile away from him, it meant everything to you, this was one truth that you realized in that moment.

"you can be. Just don't say that you wanna leave me and go away, crushing my heart like this." He said and felt time stopping when he saw you smile.

Taehyung couldn't tell what your happiness meant to him, it was all he ever wanted, his happiness seemed to have become one with yours.

He saw your cheeks flush red because he wasn't able to look away, he realised that he had been staring at you for minutes, only making you blush and smile even more so that he could live the moment on loop.

He realized that time hadn't stopped, it was him who was captured in the moment when you smiled, his pain left his body.

He knew that he had brought your heart back to him, he knew that he had put the broken pieces together, he knew he had made it right.

and nothing delighted him more than knowing that he had his princess back in his arms, smiling because of him.

"can't we forget everything..?" You said, looking at him, softly, waiting.

He took a deep breathe and paused, staring at you as if deciding something.

"Maybe that is the only option if we want to stay together. Let's begin afresh." He said and smiled.

You smiled back and said, "Thank you."

He looked at you as if he had everything he had ever wanted was all in you.

"I'm still sorry y/n, if I hadn't been so stupid, your father would have been alive. I admit, I've hid alot from you but I wouldn't have lied if you asked me ," He said, his eyes suddenly very sad.

You could feel a lump in your throat, you didn't know how to respond.

You couldn't say that you weren't disappointed by the way he had behaved but at the end of the day you couldn't change a thing, so, you decided to let everything go.

You decided to let your love overpower the differences, just like he had.

"We can't bring him back, we can't change anything. most importantly, you are here in front of my eyes, breathing just fine. I don't know what would my life be if I had lost you, I don't think I would have lived to this day. You, oppa, you are the most precious jewel in my life and I'm thankful that you are here with me, just that." You poured your heart out.

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