45• memory

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"If you're done here, shall we go somewhere nice?" Jungkook said, sitting in his driver seat, relaxing back.

"It's late, I didn't cook anything for him, let's go home." You said.

Jungkook smiled, "that's good but let Hyeran cook for him, I have a place to show you, everyone has been there." He whined.

"Why are you so stubborn, he'd be cross with me." You said, pouting.

He didn't say anything but poked a finger heart for you before turning the engine on.

"I keep going to that place often, it's amazing, I know you'll like it." Jungkook said and suddenly a memory crossed your mind.


Suddenly, Jungkook was driving into the woods.

"Are you going to kill me, kook?" You said, wondering if he'd throw you off a cliff.

He chuckled, "no y/n, we're almost there, just wait."

You placed your hands over eachother, still thinking about the good day, when you met your first ever man crush like this, he looked like Jungkook looked at the moment, it was impossible not to think about him even if he was forgotten until the day's noon.

You remembered how his deep voice was like that of Taehyung's, his body toned just like him, but he was a little shorter and gentle spoken, a little unlike him.

You remembered his hooded figure, covering his head and the mask hiding his mouth, stopping you from admiring the mouth that spoke beautiful words.

"You're so lost, do you really miss Taehyung?" Jungkook asked, before parking the car at a distance from a cliff, in the woods.

"No, this night reminds me of someone and you remind me of someone." You said, smiling gently.

"Oh, forget everything. I have brought you to my favourite spot in Seoul, this Han cliff. I loved it so much ever since we were trainees." Jungkook said, leading you to the cliff.

A beautiful view appeared in front of you.

The cliff was across Han river which shone under the moonlight, it's bank had flowers that looked up at you, calming you.

Across was the SEOUL city, a panoramic cityscape, you wanted to stay there forever.

The place was quite, only sounds being grass rustling and water in river flowing and Jungkook breathing beside you.

"I have always wanted to paint this cityscape, I wonder when I'll find time for it." He said, breaking the long silence.

"Really? I also wanted to paint a scenery but I don't have any picture of it... Only once I visited....with him...I wish I had carried my phone." You said, slowly carrying every word with a heavy heart.

"With whom? Did Taehyung take you anywhere?" Jungkook asked, shifting closer.

You smiled at how everything seemed to about him in life now.

It was true, ever since you had met him, everything got connected to Taehyung somehow.

"No, not Tae Oppa,my crush, when I first visited Daegu, for the carnival, he took me to a cliff just like you have." You said, smiling peacefully at the look of delicacy on Jungkook's face.

"You've had crushes huh? All of them Korean!? It's so funny but I'm glad you've been to the Daegu carnival, wait- why did you go to Daegu? " Jungkook frowned in surprise.

Jungkook knew it all, but he hadn't known why you had been to Daegu in the first place.

"Um, yea, it's my grandpa's place, I visited for first time and met this mysterious boy at the carnival and I liked him so I spent all the day with him before he got me kidnapped." You said and laughed at the end, a sarcastic laugh highlighting the pain.

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