61• witnessed

698 43 4

2nd June

Taehyung sat across Si Hyuk and an official from crime department who was now the incharge of the case.

Bonghee was there too.

Taehyung was called to file testimony as being a witness of what had happened to your father and Do Han, his best friend. 

It could have been you as well, but you weren't there to be taken in account.

He was sitting with his heart empty of your love and head full of you.

He wanted this day to come. But not like this, he wanted to be recording his statement with your hand in his.

He couldn't ever have imagined that he would have to do this alone.

He was close to losing himself to darkness once again.

How couldn't he? Every person he had loved had gone away, someway or other. He couldn't not see that ByongJoon had died because of him as well.

A memory of your smile kept repeating in his head, hurting him like a knife turning through his chest.

His eyes filled with tears several times for past month. He would go to his mother and sob in her lap because he just missed you so much.

He was half without you, his complete self was gone again. The color of him had left him and now he was again in the grey, agony and unloved.

He sat there trying his best to not be guilt tripped, trying his best to not break down on the floor.

He didn't want to think that he was the person who had made a mistake again.

He didn't want to think the horrible thought of you holding him responsible for your father's death.

He didn't know if you would ever come to him, willingly, leaving your mother and Job, leaving your real world behind.

"So, she was with you before getting kidnapped?" Officer asked him.

His owner looked at him with an undefined expression that made Taehyung nervous.

His Dad looked at him with worry because he knew his state of mind.

He knew that he had raised a tough son but, you had hurt him in a way that made him quite weak, almost helpless.

Taehyung's POV

Officer's question made me picture the horrible night once again.

I started telling them, all that had happened, watching my voice get taped in a small pocket size recorder.

Flashback: Taehyung's POV

I watched her hair sway to her face with the wind and raised my hand to tuck the hair strand away from her pink cheeks.

Her soft lips, arousing a bit more than they should have as they have parted open.

"Daddy, wish I had brought my phone, I want to paint this scene so badly." She said.

Everytime she called me that, I knew she really was one obedient sub I had always wanted. I loved how that word left her plump lips, I wanted to hear that for the rest of my life.

But there I was, admiring her long hair that ended on her waist into small curls.

"Stay still, I'll click a beautiful picture." I said and ran backwards on my heels with my phone camera in my hands.

I clicked one picture and then ran further.

I didn't understand it would be so unsafe for me to run backwards, without thinking about losing balance and falling in a pit, like I did.

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