Justin Chapter 10

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I pulled up into the parking lot of my family's doctor. We were pretty close friends with them. I pulled up the hood on my hoodie and put on my black shades. Before I left the car, I called Dr. Smith to give him a heads up. I got out of the car and started walking towards the building. Then I realized Jackie wasn't walking behind me. I turned around and saw glaring at me. Why does she expect me to open every door for her? I sighed and went up to her door and opened it for her.

"Thanks for remembering about me, the patient." She spat sarcastically. I swear this girl is over the top nuts. I don't know where she's from, but no one behaves like this any more. Doesn't she know that nice guys finish last? I rolled my eyes and started walking towards the office again. Once we were inside, I quickly ushered her into the elevator.

"Calm down!" She said getting in the elevator. She doesn't know half the things that would happen to her if a pap caught her with me.

"Scooter's gonna kill me." I said under my breath.

"What?" She asked.

"Nothing." I said sighing. As soon as we got to the waiting room, I quickly walked up to the receptionist. She knew who I was and swiftly took me and Jackie into a check-up room. I sat i one of the chairs and she sat on the green paper colored bench. As she sat there dangling her legs in the side of the bench, I couldn't help checking her out. She had big brown eyes and long dark-brown hair. Jackie had a warm smile and I couldn't help but admit her figure was gorgeous, like a dancers. She noticed me looking at her and glared at me. I quickly looked down at the floor and blushed. What was I doing?

"Hey Bieber," she said. "Eyes above the necklines. Stop checking me out you creep." I didn't say anything. A few seconds later, we heard the knock and Dr. Smith came in. After explaining everything that had happened, he checked Jackie's eyes and ran some simple tests.

"Well, you doesn't seem to have any signs of a concussion, but I still want you to ice that bump." He said nodding.

"How come I threw up?" Jackie asked.

"It was probably from shock or form meeting this idiot." He said smiling.

"Whatever!" I said annoyed. Dr. Smith left to get Jackie some ice and she got off of the bench. Dr. Smith came rushing in.

"Justin, you may have a slight problem. There are some big men with some big cameras in my waiting room." He said worriedly.

"Shit! Oh uh, I mean shoot!" I said trying to cover up my swearing in front of the doctor. Or was it for Jackie? Whatever, it didn't matter.

"Um, is there any other exit out of this building?" I asked. Dr. Smith told us about the fire escape and showed us where it was.

"Good luck you guys!" Dr. Smith said. There was a small ladder and I began to hop down it. Jackie followed laughing.

"You think this is funny?" I asked panting at the bottom of the ladder.

"No, it's just this is probably the most exciting thing that has ever happened to me in a while." She said still smiling. She looked really cute when she smiled. It seemed like her entire face smiled when she did. God Bieber! Get it together! I though to myself shaking the thoughts out of my head. If the paps followed me here, then they would probably be able to follow me home. Damn, where would I stay over night? Then I got an idea.

"Jackie, I need you to do me a very important favor." I said as we rushed to her car.

"What." She said jumping into the passenger seat.

"Can I sleepover at your house today? I have nowhere else to go. The paps might follow me." I said quickly starting he act and pulling out of the parking lot.

"Are you nuts? Do you seriously think I'd let a random stranger into my house for a 'sleepover'?" She said incredulously. After begging and pleading for ten minutes, she finally gave in.

"Fine. But you better watch it. I don't think my parents will be home yet." She said shaking her head. It was ten o'clock. I called Alfredo and told him what the situation was. He told me Jessie was safely delivered home and that everything was good.

"What's your address?" I asked. She pulled out a GPS from the glove compartment and pressed the 'go home' button. How was I going to get through the night?

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