Jackie Chapter 43

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I woke up a little bit early and decided to clean my room up a little bit. I wanted to put away all the clothes I'd gotten with Caitlin and Selena so my closet would actually look used. It was so weird being able to literally walk into my closet. I hadn't realized how many clothes we had really bought so I decided to get some breakfast and then start. I went to the bathroom and pulled out my retainer and left it in its container. I went downstairs and found Dad sitting at the table sipping his coffee and reading a newspaper. Some things never changed no matter where we were.

"Good morning!" I said cheerfully popping a bagel in the toaster and getting out some orange juice.

"Aren't we cheery today?" He asked raising his eyebrows.

"Yes, yes we are. I have friends that I trust and they like me too." I said smiling.

"Well that's great Jackie, but there is one thing we need to talk about. You probably won't like it that much." Dad said putting his newspaper down. I looked at him and waited for him to explain.

"It's been great that you have great new friends and Justin is your boyfriend but you still have to finish high school. I know it's the last thing on your mind but you're going to have to finish it sometime." He said.

"Well I can't go to 'school' school, right?" I asked.

"Yes, that's why you're just going to finish online it'll take a while but if you balance everything evenly I think you'll be fine. You might even finish early." Dad said.

"I guess so. Could I do college online too?" I asked wondering.

"We'd have to ask but I didn't think college was on your mind since your career has taken off already." He said.

"I don't know I just want options if everyone gets sick of me." I said taking my bagel out of the toaster.

"Honey, no one can ever get sick of you. In my eyes you're already a star." Dad smiled and I stuck my tongue out at him.

"You say that just because you have to." I went and found some cream cheese to put on my bagel and poured myself some orange juice and made my way back upstairs. I took a bite of my bagel and a sip of my OJ and began hanging and folding clothes. I got bored just folding and decided to turn on some music so it wouldn't be as quiet and started dancing around while putting clothes where they belonged. I had never realized how stupid laundry and folding clothes was until this moment. I saw Justin watching me from his window and he winked at me before he left his room to go downstairs or something.
3 o'clock

I was finishing up my lunch which I ate really late because I got carried away cleaning and forgot to eat so I made myself a sandwich and decided to watch TV for a while. I hadn't heard from Justin in a while and I was kind of curious what he was doing. Scooter probably had some interview set up for him and he was probably busy so I just texted him with a simple, 'Hey, what's up?' And went back to watching TV. After an entire episode of some cooking show that was on the Food Network, my phone buzzed with a response from Justin. It said,

"Come upstairs by ur window " I read it and wondered what he could mean. I got up and walked into my bedroom and my phone buzzed again. The text simply said,

"We're over" I was confused at first and I looked up out of my window and saw Justin's back pressed up against his window and some girl's let wrapped around him. His phone fell from his hand and I could feel the thud of the phone hitting the ground in my chest. Then they flipped over and I saw Caitlin's back now pressed up against his window. All of a sudden Justin pushed Caitlin off of him and seemed to yell something. She tried to kiss him again but he backed away. When my brain registered what was happening I froze. My phone dropped like it was a weight and I saw Justin's face turn around in slow motion. He looked at mE standing there but I didn't do anything. He looked back and forth from me to Caitlin but I couldn't move. She said something and she looked really angry. She slapped him and said something which I couldn't tell and walked away. He turned around one more time to look at me trying to look for something but I couldn't feel anything. I was a statue on my purple rug by my window. He picked up his phone off the ground and left his room. I didn't move a muscle and just stood there trying to understand what had just happened. My friend and my boyfriend making out. All the times people warned me not to trust Caitlin but I gave her the benefit of the doubt. She looked mad when he pulled away but she didn't stop him in the first place. She could've been mad because he pulled away from her. Justin told me he would always be there, in front of millions of people. I heard my phone buzz on the ground but didn't bother to pick it up. The screen a text from Caitlin saying she could explain what had just happened. I didn't care if she was sorry or if it wasn't her fault. I didn't want to see her or Justin ever again. He had promised and she was my new best friend who I thought I could trust. I didn't get a single text or call from Justin. After an hour passed of me standing frozen in my room, my feet began to ache so I decided to just lay down on my rug right there and stare at the ceiling. I still couldn't wrap my head around what had just happened.

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