Justin Chapter 42

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I woke up the next morning and had a bad feeling about this entire day. I rolled out of bed and went to my closet and pulled on some shorts and a shirt. I walked to my bathroom and passed my window on the way. I saw Jackie dancing around her room and putting clothes away and she saw me and waved I winked at her and made my way to the bathroom. I pulled out my Invisalign retainer and put it in its container. Jackie didn't know I had a retainer but I didn't think it mattered so I just never mentioned it to her. I went downstairs and found Ryan and Chaz sprawled out on the couch with chips all over them and bottles of pop laying on the ground. I went up to them and pushed them both off the couch.

"Ow! What was that for?" Chaz asked rubbing his head. Ryan yawned and stretched.

"You guys smell gross. Did you play Xbox all night?" I asked waving my hand in front of my face. Ryan and Chaz high-fived and grinned.

"We pulled an all-nighter and we beat the crap out of everyone else playing Live." Chaz said looking proud of his accomplishment.

"Guys today I'm gonna tell Caitlin to back off I don't even know what I'm going to tell her." I said running a hand through my hair.

"Don't look at me I ain't dealing with psycho bitch." Chaz said putting his hands up. I sighed and walked into the kitchen and pulled out my phone. I opened up the messages app and made a new chat to Caitlin.

"Hey, we need to talk. Come over at 3. It's serious." I hesitated before I hit send. Did it sound weird? Was it too cryptic? Did it send the wrong message? I mustered up all my courage and hit send. A few seconds later I got a response.

"Finally. I've been wanting to talk for a while." It read. I guess it was going down today.

3 o'clock

I sat in the living room with the TV on but I had no idea what was playing. I was dreading the sound of the doorbell and the door opening and Caitlin coming in. When we had broken up I thought she was going to take a knife and stab because of the look in her eyes but all she did was keep a straight face, chucked her phone at me and watched it hit the floor and shatter into a million pieces, and left. I didn't talk to her after that and whenever people asked why we'd broken up, we both just said it was because of conflicting tour schedules and we were just way too busy. I knew it sounded like a huge excuse, but it was. If I told the world that Caitlin would threaten girls who just talked to me if we were out roaming the city or that she almost locked me in a room because she didn't want me to talk to other girls, people would definitely steer clear of her. I didn't tell anyone this because I just thought if I did tell people she would just get more crazy and get worse. I heard the door bell ring and fell off the couch and quickly stood up. I ran to the door before any of the maids could get to it. I opened the door and saw Caitlin standing in the doorway smiling.

"Hey Justy! How have you been?! I haven't seen you since that night at the club!" She said with a huge smile on her face. I cringed at the nickname. She used to call me that all the time when we were together.

"Hey Caitlin come in. We need to talk." I said stepping back and letting her in.

"Gosh, I haven't been here in so long! How's the family?" She asked as if she really cared.

"They're fine." I said coldly leading her to the living room where I was sitting before.

"Why are we sitting down here? Let's go to your room! I know we broke up but we can still be friends. I know I was really messed up when you left me, but I'm better now. I was just going through a rough patch. Plus Jackie's like, my best friend now." She said looking sincere. I looked at her and she genuinely seemed like she was telling the truth.

"Then what was the whole thing with the te-"

"Let's see if I can remember where your room is!" She said quickly cutting me off and running up the stairs.

"Hey! Wait!" I said jumping up and chasing after her. She laughed and took the stairs two at a time.

"First door to the left? Or the right was it?" She asked. When she finally found my room she ran in and jumped on my bed.

"Caitlin stop it. I called you over to tell you to stop hanging out with Jackie. Everyone else may see you as a nice new fixed girl, but you're still that crazy psycho I broke up with. You kissed me during the photo shoot and said it was 'just for the pictures.' Then you text me when the photos get released saying it wasn't for the pictures. I know you're just going to end up hurting Jackie and me so leave us alone." I said staring her down. She pretended like she hadn't heard me.

"This is a huge window. Hey is that Jackie's room?" She asked walking up to it.

"Yeah," I said walking behind her.

"I should tell her I'm here so we can see each other through the window!" She said pulling out her phone.

"Caitlin, no, just leave her alone." I said taking her phone.

"Well that's no fair." She said fake pouting and trying to get her phone.

"Stop ignoring me. You hang out with Jackie and become best friends with her but you send me texts which show me the real you. Just stop pretending. I can't do this again." I said staring her down. She got up and walked closer to me. She came so close to me we were inches apart. I panicked and stood frozen.

"Don't tell me you don't miss this. Us." She said leaning a fraction of an inch closer.

"C-Caitlin stop I can't do this." I stuttered as I tried to back up. She just moved in closer. I felt her hands slowly travel my body.

"Stop. I mean it." I said grabbing her hand. She smiled devilishly and and shook my phone in front of her face.

"How'd you get that?" I asked grabbing my pockets.

"You get distracted way too easily." She said shrugging. I made a grab for it but she ran across my room with it.

"I'm not doing this give my phone back." I said.

"Come and get it." She said waving it. I saw her typing something into my phone but I didn't have time to find out what it was. She ran back towards the window and I stood with my back facing it. She stood in front of me and shook the phone in front of her face. I went to take it but before I could reach it she pulled my hand down and kissed me. It was so fast I didn't realize what was happening. She dropped my phone and ran her hand down my face. Her leg was wrapped around me and my back was pressed up against the window. I flipped us over so she was on the window. All of a sudden I was jolted out of my shock and realized what I was doing. I pulled away like Caitlin's lips were on fire and she burned me.

"What the fuck are you doing? Get off of me bitch!" I said angrily.

"Hey you're the one who didn't stop me." She said smirking at me.

"You do miss this and you're just using Jackie to fill that space." She tried to kiss me again. I backed away and turned around.

And then my heart stopped. Jackie stood there with her jaw hanging open and her phone fell to the floor
Even though we were a house apart, I could hear the sound of her phone hitting the wooden floor in her room. I looked from Caitlin to Jackie and Caitlin said,

"Oops I guess living next to your girlfriend isn't always the best thing in the world." Then she pretended to look mad at me and slapped me, turned around and stormed out of my room. I touched my face and turned back around and Jackie was still standing there. I picked up my phone from off the ground where Caitlin had dropped it and walked downstairs.

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