Justin Chapter 40

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The interview he had filmed wouldn't air for another week so I decided to put off telling Jackie what had happened and about Caitlin's cryptic text. I'd texted her but I could just pretend like it wasn't anything important for now. I just hoped Jackie wouldn't get too close with Caitlin. I had a feeling something bad was going to happen. I got home and found Ryan and Chaz playing the Xbox in the TV room and decided to join them.

"What's up?" Chaz asked not looking away from the screen. I didn't bother to answer. I just picked up a controller and waited for their game to end so I could join in.

"You okay?" Ryan asked tilting his remote as if it would actually help him in the game.

"Yeah I guess but Caitlin isn't." I said running a hand through my hair. They both let out a sigh.

"Dude, what is it with you and crazy girls. I mean first it was the crazy lady who thought you got her pregnant and now Caitlin? Why can't you just find a normal girl?" Chaz said.

"I don't know. I have Jackie but I feel like I'm going to lose her if I don't get rid of Caitlin. She texted me saying it wasn't just for the pictures. What the hell does that mean? We were over years ago why hasn't she gotten over this yet?" I said beginning to pace back and forth.

"Woah wait calm down. What do you mean just for the pictures?" Ryan asked. I took a minute to tell them everything that happened starting with the photo shoot.

"I have no idea what's wrong with Caitlin but you have to get away from here. I think she's psychotic." Chaz said shaking his head.

"Well there's a problem 'cuz apparently Jackie and Caitlin are best friends now." Ryan said showing us his phone. It was a picture of Jackie, Selena, and Caitlin all standing together arms linked walking into a store at the mall.

"What the fuck is happening?" I said scrolling through the photo album on the TMZ website. The article was called 'Brand New Besties' with a story on how there might be a new friendship forming between the three of them especially my old ex and my new girlfriend. What was Caitlin up to? She told me it wasn't just for the photos but became best friends with my girlfriend.

"I'm not telling Jackie about this until later when I can actually think. I got to go I think I'm gonna take a nap or something. Might as well sleep away my problems." I said shaking my head.

"Hey, good luck man, you need it." Ryan said punching me in the arm lightly. I got up and went upstairs to my room. I couldn't really sleep so I decided to take a nice hot shower to clear my head. It was the only time I could really be alone. I grabbed a sweatshirt and sweatpants and some boxers and grabbed the biggest towel I found and walked into my bathroom. I turned on the shower and put the nozzle all the way over to the hottest possible setting and waited for the water to steam up the mirrors in the bathroom and there were lots of them. When the water was finally hot enough I jumped in and stood there and felt the water run down my body and I instantly felt better. Nothing could get to me right now. I am The Justin Bieber. Why is something so stupid like an over obsessed 'fan' I guess, bothering me. I'm gonna handle this like I handle every paparazzi or rumor anyone has thrown at me. Tomorrow, I'm gonna get Caitlin to leave me alone once and for all.

Remember to comment, vote, and follow me for updates! Thanks for reading! The next chapter(s) are going to be interesting! ;)

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